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学中文【四声调】Four Tones in Chinese Pinyin 汉语拼音四种声调对应的汉字 – bā, bá, bǎ, bà

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sì shēng diào xué hàn yǔ, 四声调学汉语, Learn Chinese with Four Tones。
bā, 八, eight。
bá, 拔, pull。
bǎ, 把, put。
bà, 爸, dad。


Tones play a very important role not only in modern Chinese, but also in ancient Chinese. There are many different kinds of tones in ancient Chinese. The so-called “four tones” in traditional Chinese phonology are divided into four types of tones: “ping”, “shang”, “go”, and “ent”. This situation has existed at least before the fifth century.

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学中文【数学符号】Math Symbols in Chinese 加减乘除等于的汉字写法 – Write Chinese Characters

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Math Symbols , 数学符号 , shù xué fú hào 。
Plus , 加 , jiā 。
Minus , 减 , jiǎn 。
Multiply , 乘 , chéng 。
Divide , 除 , chú 。
Equal , 等于 , děng yú 。


The invention and use of mathematical symbols were later than numbers, but their numbers exceeded numbers. There are more than 200 mathematical symbols commonly used in modern mathematics, and each symbol has an interesting experience.

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学中文【形状】Shapes in Chinese 学写数学中的汉字 – Learn to Write Chinese Characters in Math

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圆形, 三角形, 正方形, 椭圆形, 长方形, 星形。

Yuán xíng, sān jiǎo xíng, zhèng fāng xíng, tuǒ yuán xíng, cháng fāng xíng, xīng xíng。

Round, triangle, square, oval, rectangle, star。


A shape is composed of an object or its outer boundary, contour and surface, and has nothing to do with other characteristics of the object (such as color, texture, material composition, etc.). The shape can also be a closed space formed by a side or a curve or a combination of the above two things.

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记忆汉字的诀窍 How to Memorize Chinese Characters 拆分法记汉字 – Splitting Method

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live, work, 活, huó,
tongue, 舌, shé,
thousand, 千, qiān,
mouth, 口, kǒu,
ten, 十, shí,
ancient, 古, gǔ
Correction: Huó zhe 活着 means ‘alive’ in English.

Ten ways to help children remember new words quickly:

1. Painting literacy
2. Physical literacy
3. Performance literacy
4. Riddles memory method
5. Story memory method
6. Splitting memory method
7. Contrast memory method
8. Method of compiling nursery rhymes
9. Familiar characters with new characters
10. Radical classification method

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学写字【五官】Write “Facial Features” in Chinese – 眉Eyebrows/眼Eyes/鼻Nose/耳Ears/口Mouth

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面部五官 , miàn bù wǔ guān , Facial Features
眉 , méi , Eyebrows
眉毛 , méi mao , Eyebrows
眼 , yǎn , Eyes
眼睛 , yǎn jīng , Eyes
耳 , ěr , Ears
耳朵 , ěr duo , Ears
鼻 , bí , Nose
鼻子 , bí zi , Nose
口 , kǒu , Mouth
嘴巴 , zuǐ ba , Mouth


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