学中文只需这七步—Learn Chinese in ONLY 7 Steps:
✸STEP 1:拼音 , pīn yīn , Pinyin
✸STEP 2:笔画 , bǐ huà , Strokes
✸STEP 3:偏旁部首 , piān páng bù shǒu , Radicals
✸STEP 4:词汇 , cí huì , Vocabulary
✸STEP 5:句型 , jù xíng , Sentence Types
✸STEP 6:标点符号 , biāo diǎn fú hào , Punctuations
✸STEP 7:文章 , wén zhāng , Articles;故事 , gù shì , Stories;对话 , duì huà , Conversations
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Learn Chinese【高考 gāo kǎo】University & College Entrance Exams in China 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试
普通高等学校招生全国统一考试,通常简称为高考,是中国每年 6 月初举行的全国本科招生考试。该考试由省级政府根据教育部的指示举行,是全国所有高等教育机构本科生入学的必考考试。高考是高中毕业生在最后一年结束时参加的考试。
The Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, commonly abbreviated as Gaokao (高考; ‘Higher Exam’), is the annual national undergraduate admission exam of China, held in early June. The exam is held by provincial governments under directions from the Ministry of Education and is required for undergraduate admissions to all higher education institutions in the country. The Gaokao is taken by high school seniors at the end of their final year.
商务中文【外企 wài qǐ】Foreign-invested Enterprises 外商投资企业 外资企业 在中国的外国公司
外企(wài qǐ)一般指含有外资成分的企业。外商投资企业,是依照中国法律在中国境内设立的,由中国投资者与外国投资者共同投资,或者由外国投资者单独投资的企业。依照外商在企业注册资本和资产中所占股份和份额的比例不同以及其他法律特征的不同,可将外商投资企业分为四种类型:
Foreign-invested enterprises (wài qǐ) generally refer to enterprises with foreign capital. Foreign-invested enterprises are enterprises established in China in accordance with Chinese law, jointly invested by Chinese and foreign investors, or solely invested by foreign investors. According to the different proportions of shares and shares held by foreign investors in the registered capital and assets of the enterprise and other legal characteristics, foreign-invested enterprises can be divided into four types:
中文缩略语【开学 kāi xué】Back to School 开始新的学期 Chinese Abbreviations 教汉字 学汉语
The Chinese meaning of “start of school” is “opening a school”, “starting scholars”, and “start of the semester”. However, the term “start of the semester” is more commonly used in daily life. In modern Chinese, the start of school usually refers to students returning to school to continue their studies after a holiday break. Depending on the country and the school system, there are 2-4 start days each year, and a ceremony is usually held on the start day of a new school year.
Learn Chinese【放假 fàng jià】Take a holiday 放暑假 /寒假 /长假 Summer /Winter /Long Vacation 学写汉字
放假,是指在规定的日期停止工作或学习,度过假日。语出唐 皎然 张荐 《七言乐语联句》:“戍客归来见妻子,学生放假偷向市。”
Holiday means to stop working or studying on a specified date and spend the holiday. It comes from the “Seven-Character Music Couplets” by Jiaoran and Zhang Jian of the Tang Dynasty: “The garrison soldiers return to see their wives, and the students sneak to the market on holiday.”