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学中文【吉祥物】Chinese Mascots (Lucky Things) – 福blessing, 发财get rich, 红包red envelopes, 龙dragon

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Traditional Chinese mascots have gradually formed in thousands of years of history. As early as in the “Book of Changes” and “Shang Shu”, there are expressions of auspiciousness and Wang Fu. Ancient ancestors also regarded stars, vegetation, birds and animals as The people of the later generations of the gods gave many natural and man-made objects auspicious meaning, and there are more and more mascots in our country.

jí xiáng wù, 吉祥物, Chinese Mascots:

  • hóng sè , 红色 , red 。
  • fú , 福 , blessing 。
  • fā cái , 发财 , get rich 。
  • lóng fèng , 龙凤 , dragon and phoenix 。
  • hóng bāo , 红包 , red envelope 。
  • biān pào , 鞭炮 , firecracker 。

























Dragon is the head of China’s auspicious beasts. It has been a totem of the Chinese nation since ancient times and has the meaning of the throne. Legend has it that the nine generations of dragons are good for music; the eldest son is good for music; the second son is easy to kill; the third son is so dangerous; the fourth son is so heavy; the fifth son is good for lawsuits; the sixth son is good for kisses; the seventh son is good for gluttony. Eat; eight sons are golden and good for fireworks; nine sons are good for singing. Kowloon is Kyushu, implying imperial power and the world, so Kowloon symbolizes the ultimate noble. In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor’s dragon robe generally embroidered Kowloon, but from the front or back, there are five dragons, which are the emperor title of “Nine-Five Sovereign”, so the five dragons are also lucky, and the five dragons have the meaning of “dancing dragon”.


The phoenix is ​​the king of birds in ancient Chinese legends and the most famous auspicious bird in ancient China. It is a collective term for males and females. The male is a phoenix and the female is a phoenix. It is collectively called the phoenix and is often used to symbolize auspiciousness. Used to symbolize the queen in ancient times. The prototype of the chicken in the Chinese zodiac is the Phoenix.

For thousands of years, the phoenix has been regarded as a symbol of beauty, auspiciousness, kindness, tranquility, virtuousness, nature, obedience to nature, humanity, peace, and light in the hearts of our people for thousands of years. It is a metaphor for couples who love each other or wish a happy marriage.


A unicorn is called a unicorn for males and a lin for females. The unicorn is an auspicious beast with a peculiar appearance. It has dragon heads, antlers, horseshoes, oxtails, wolf foreheads, and is covered with colorful scales. People regard the unicorn as a mascot, which is responsible for peace and longevity. The unicorn is a symbol of auspiciousness. It only appears in the peaceful and heyday. In traditional culture, there has been a saying that “the unicorn comes out of the heyday” in ancient times. According to legend, wherever the unicorn steps on, it will bring good luck to the people there, eliminate disasters and solve problems, and exorcise evil spirits, so there is “auspicious unicorn”. There is a folk saying that unicorns give off their children, which is often used as a metaphor for outstanding people.


The texture of the turtle’s back is Zongmi. The Chinese have always believed that the tortoise hides the secrets of the world, so it has become a mysterious animal with rich cultural connotations. At the same time, because tortoises have extremely long lifespan, they have become a symbol of longevity. People often use “tortoise age” to refer to people’s longevity or combine it with “crane age” to call “tortoise age and crane life” and “tortoise age and crane age”.

Since ancient times, people believe that it can bring auspicious energy. Turtles have become the spiritual objects of the forerunner prophets. Placing jade tortoises can replenish yin and yang, regulate the balance of yin and yang in the room and the natural magnetic field, and can replenish luck and prosperity.

Tortoise is also called the “Four Spirits” together with the unicorn, dragon and phoenix, and is the four major mascots of the Chinese.

brave troops

貔貅 is a kind of beast in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It is said that it has a mouth and no anus, and can swallow all things without letting it out. Its staple food is actually gold and silver jewelry, so it has the meaning of consuming wealth from all directions. Pai Xiu is regarded as a lucky beast that attracts wealth and treasures. Ancient Chinese feng shui scholars believed that Pixiu was the beast of Jirui that turned disaster into auspiciousness. From ancient times to the present, the emperors and the people have paid great attention to the collection and wearing of brave. In addition to the functions of recruiting wealth, good luck, and warding off evil spirits, Paixiu also has the functions of town house, turning Tai Sui, and promoting marriage. In Chinese tradition, there is a custom of decorating “Pixiu”. Pixiu is rich in meaning. People believe that it can bring joy and good luck.


Crane has a lofty status in Chinese culture. It is a symbol of longevity, auspiciousness and elegance. It is often associated with gods and pine trees, which symbolizes longevity.

In Chinese history, the crane is also known as the first-class bird. It is recognized as a first-class literary bird as a symbol of high-ranking officials. The Ming and Qing dynasties gave red-crowned cranes the cultural connotation of loyalty, integrity and high moral character. The service of civil officials, the red-crowned crane embroidered by the first-class civil servants, listed it as an important symbol second only to the royal dragon and phoenix, so people also called the crane “the first-class bird.”


Xiang is homonymous with “xiang”, which is a symbol of auspiciousness. The behavior of an elephant’s long nose to soak up water is also linked to the absorption of money by people.

The elephant enjoys a lofty status in the ancient civilization of the East. The Chinese regard elephants as a symbol of auspiciousness and peace, which means auspiciousness or joy.

It is said that Shun, one of the Five Emperors, was the first person in Chinese history to tame wild elephants to plow and plow. After his death, there were signs of elephants plowing soil and colored birds holding mud in front of the tomb. The earliest legend. Since then, people have used homophonic, symbolic and other techniques to express the “peace and image” in the form of pictures and sculptures, which means peace in the world and abundance of grains.


Toad is homonymous with money, so it is common to carry copper coins in the mouth of Toad, which means wealth and wealth. According to legend, the toad was originally a monster. The monk’s bangs traveled all over the world. They were famous for subduing demons and subduing demons. They often benefited the common people. Naturally, toad’s bangs as a monster beast would not be let go. During the fighting between the two sides, the toad had one foot broken. With three legs left, Toad surrendered to the bangs. Toad has the unique skill of spitting out gold and silver treasures. After surrendering to the bangs, Toad has been using unique skills to help the bangs to benefit the world. Both are quite famous. From then on, the three-legged toad has been regarded as an auspicious treasure for attracting wealth.


“Bat” and “Fu” are homophonic, meaning blessing, so the shape of bats often appears on various utensils and is regarded as a symbol of blessing. Five blessings means five blessings. Together with copper coins means blessings are in sight. Together with the sunrise or the waves, it means blessing such as the East China Sea.


“Fish” is the same as “Yu”, which is a metaphor for being rich and rich.

is regarded as a mascot in traditional customs to compare surplus, auspiciousness, and luck. It expresses the good desire of ancient people to pursue a happy and prosperous life every year. Goldfish means a full house of gold and jade. The carp leaping over the dragon gate means steadily stepping into the sky, flying yellow and rising.

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