学写字【迎财神】传统习俗 Chinese Traditions 大年初五接财神 Welcome the God of Wealth in Chinese

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迎财神,/yíng cái shén/ Welcomed the God of Wealth in Chinese 又叫做“接财神”,是中国民间古老的传统节日习俗。因为中国民间传说正月初五是财神的生日,所以过了年初一,接下来最重要的活动就是接财神,在财神生日到来的前一天晚上,各家置办酒席,为财神贺辰。


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学中文【吉祥物】Chinese Mascots (Lucky Things) – 福blessing, 发财get rich, 红包red envelopes, 龙dragon

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Traditional Chinese mascots have gradually formed in thousands of years of history. As early as in the “Book of Changes” and “Shang Shu”, there are expressions of auspiciousness and Wang Fu. Ancient ancestors also regarded stars, vegetation, birds and animals as The people of the later generations of the gods gave many natural and man-made objects auspicious meaning, and there are more and more mascots in our country.

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