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【中文书法入门】Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy 学写10个高频汉字 – 正楷vs行书

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Chinese calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters, and it is also a representative of East Asian calligraphy. So from the perspective of text, Chinese calligraphy is a very unique visual art, but this uniqueness does not prevent people who do not know Chinese fonts from appreciating Chinese calligraphy. Chinese characters are an important factor in Chinese calligraphy, because Chinese calligraphy was produced and developed in Chinese culture, and characters are one of the basic elements of Chinese culture. Relying on words is the main mark that distinguishes Chinese calligraphy from other types of calligraphy.

【中文书法入门】Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy

学用正楷和行书写10个高频汉字 Learn to write 10 high-frequency Chinese characters in regular script and cursive handwriting

de , 的 , of 。
shì , 是 , yes 。
chū , 出 , out 。
fā , 发 , send out 。
shuǐ , 水 , water 。
zài , 在 , in 。
yǒu , 有 , have 。
zhè , 这 , this 。
dì , 地 , ground 。
hǎo , 好 , good 。










Calligraphy is an important part of Chinese art. Its form of expression is dependent on the art of Chinese characters, and Chinese characters are ideographic characters, and the combination of strokes is varied. Compared with the phonetic characters of other nationalities, Chinese characters are more concise. In addition, Chinese calligraphy not only has a complete set of brushwork (point, horizontal, skew, vertical, hook, etc.), but also has a mature aesthetic system. Following the structural laws of Chinese characters and changing combinations, you can express the art of calligraphy in various poses and create different looks and tastes of beauty.

Calligraphy is an art native to China with a long and profound tradition of its own. It is one of the four arts of piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy. In ancient China, calligraphy had a very high degree of participation, and ordinary intellectuals paid varying degrees of effort to learn calligraphy, and a large number of calligraphers were produced. Many dynasties in China since the Qin and Han dynasties have produced a lot of calligraphy works; the best of them have become the most precious collections of the royal family, nobles and literati. In addition, Chinese calligraphy has a rich, complete, and consistent theoretical system, which shows that calligraphy was a very mature art in ancient China.

Chinese calligraphy has a very good foundation for life. Many perfect calligraphy works exist in the form of letters, poems, manuscripts, inscriptions, epitaphs, plaques, screens, interior decorations, etc. Most of these works have written content and the artistic beauty of calligraphy complements each other. specialty. Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting, seal cutting, dance, music and other art forms influence each other.

Chinese calligraphy has been valued by those in power and intellectuals in ancient China, and having a certain level of calligraphy is one of the basic qualities of ancient Chinese intellectuals. Many emperors attached great importance to the study of calligraphy, and some emperors even had a very high standard and were well-known calligraphers, such as Song Huizong. Chinese calligraphy has directly affected the development of calligraphy in Japan, Korea and other places, especially the part where Chinese characters are used as the content of writing.

Calligraphy is an art form of characters in the world. Among them, “Chinese calligraphy” is a traditional line art in China based on the script of Chinese characters. In a broad sense, calligraphy refers to the writing rules of language symbols. In other words, calligraphy refers to writing according to the characteristics and meaning of the text, using its calligraphy, structure, and composition to make it a beautiful work of art. The necessary tools are brush, ink and Chinese paper. Chinese calligraphy is a performance art created by the Han nationality. It is known as: silent poetry, dance without action; painting without picture, music without sound.

Calligraphy was designated as one of the “six arts” by Confucius, and it was a necessary skill and technique for ancient gentlemen. As the ancients regarded reading, literacy, and handwriting equally, calligraphy is no longer a pure technique, and is equivalent to learning. Therefore, since ancient times, Chinese people have valued calligraphy as a tool for carrying Taoism, a attire for articles, and an external manifestation of personal learning. Since the establishment of the system of scholarship, China has paid special attention to the calligraphy of scholars. In the Tang Dynasty, it was even more clearly stated to obtain official positions by “body, speech, calligraphy, and debate.” The “Guange Body” dedicated to Hanlin was created. It’s no wonder that the famous officials in Chinese history are well-learned, and their calligraphy is excellent. This is all related to the Chinese tradition of “learning is good and good,” and “books are fame and painting for profit.”

For example, emperors and famous officials in Chinese history, such as Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and Song Huizong, as well as Li Si of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty, Chu Suiliang of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, Su Shi and Huang Tingjian of Song Dynasty, and even Liu Yong and Lin Zexu of Qing Dynasty. Controversial figures, such as Qin Hui, Cai Jing, Yan Song, Kang Sheng, Zheng Xiaoxu, etc., are all first-class calligraphers. Famous calligraphers in Chinese history include Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Xun, Liu Gongquan, Zhang Xu, Mi Fu, Cai Xiang, Xian Yushu, Zhao Mengfu, Dong Qichang, Wang Duo, Kang Youwei, etc.

Modern Chinese calligraphy has developed into five script styles: regular script, running script, cursive script, official script, and seal script. Beginning in the 1880s, the country began to attach importance to the development of calligraphy culture and established the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Later, calligraphy associations in various places were established. Now the Calligraphy Association has a fairly complete exhibition mechanism, including the national exhibition once every four years. And the annual single exhibition, the exhibitions in various places are even more diverse.

At present, China has at least 50 universities offering calligraphy majors, and the degree system for calligraphy from undergraduate to doctoral degree has been improved. The main courses of calligraphy at the undergraduate level are: five-type calligraphy techniques and theory, calligraphy, calligraphy aesthetics, introduction to aesthetics, ancient Chinese philology, philology, poetry, history of calligraphy, history of Chinese art, seal cutting, basics of Chinese painting, rubbings, etc.

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