学中文【阿姨】6 Ways to Call “Aunt” in Chinese 汉语中阿姨的六种叫法和写法

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6 Ways to Call Aunt in Chinese, 阿姨的六种叫法, ā yí de liù zhǒng jiào fǎ。
Aunt, Monter’s sister, 阿姨, ā yí。
Wife of mother’s brother, 舅妈, jiù mā。
Father’s elder sister, 姑妈, gū mā。
Father’s younger sister, 姑姑, gū gu。
Wife of father’s younger brother, 婶婶, shěn shen。
Wife of father’s elder brother, 伯母, bó mǔ。

Auntie, mother’s sister, is also used to refer to unrelated women who are of the same age as their mother and are of the same age.

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学中文【古诗】Ancient Poems in Chinese《登鹳雀楼》王之涣|Traditional Chinese Culture

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Chinese Ancient Poems 中 文 古 诗 zhōng wén gǔ shī



⑴ 鹳雀楼:中国古代的一种高层建筑物,因时有鹳鹊栖息其上而得名。
⑵ 白日:太阳。依:依傍。尽:消失。 这句话是说太阳依傍山峦沉落。
⑶ 欲:想要。穷:尽,使达到极点。千里目:眼界宽阔。
⑷ 更:再。

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自学中文的秘诀 Learn Chinese By Yourself – 20分钟提升汉语水平 Improve Mandarin in 20 Minutes

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Part I:训练听说能力 Training listening and speaking skills

1、大量看中文动画片。1. Watch a lot of Chinese cartoons.
2、每天背诵一段短文(选择适合自己水平并有中英文对照字幕的视频,先跟读再背诵)。2. Recite a short passage every day (choose a video with Chinese and English subtitles that suits your level, and read it first before recitation).
3、用在短文中学到的新单词口头造句(如果身边有说中文的朋友,可以和他们练习这些句子)。3. Orally make sentences with the new words learned in the passage (if you have friends who speak Chinese, you can practice these sentences with them).

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中文句型分类 Chinese Sentence Patterns 主谓句 vs 非主谓句 (Simple Sentences)

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句型一般指单句句型。Sentence patterns generally refer to single sentence patterns.

句型是根据句子的结构(句法成分的配置格局)对不同的单句进行分类,从而划分出的类型。Sentence pattern is the classification of different single sentences according to the structure of the sentence (the configuration pattern of the syntactic components), and thus the types are divided.


  • 主谓句又分为三小类:动词谓语句,形容词谓语句,名词谓语句。(注意,网络上有些资料把“主谓谓语句”归为“句型”类,为了避免网友疑惑,特此说明,在最新版本的《现代汉语》(黄伯荣)中,主谓谓语句被移除出了“句型”类,划分到了“句式”类)
  • 非主谓句又分为五小类:动词性非主谓句,形容词性非主谓句,名词性非主谓句,叹词句,拟声词句。

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汉语词汇类型 – 12 Types of Chinese Vocabulary|名词noun/动词verb/形容词adj.

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中文词语分类 zhōng wén cí yǔ fēn lèi

①实词(有实际意义的词) ① shí cí (yǒu shí jì yì yì de cí)

  • 名词:学生、桌子、明天、里面、母亲。 míng cí: xué shēng, zhuō zi, míng tiān, lǐ miàn, mǔ qīn.
  • 动词:走、喜欢、应该。 dòng cí: zǒu, xǐ huān, yīng gāi.
  • 形容词:胖、红、快。 xíng róng cí: pàng, hóng, kuài.
  • 数词:一、十、百、千、万。 shù cí: yī, shí, bǎi, qiān, wàn.
  • 量词:个、只、双。 liàng cí: gè, zhī, shuāng.
  • 代词:我、这、哪里。 dài cí: wǒ, zhè, nǎ lǐ.

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