学写汉字【家畜】🐂Write “Livestock” in Chinese – 猪pig/牛cattle/羊sheep/马horse/驴donkey/兔rabbit

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Domestic animals generally refer to animals that are raised and domesticated by humans and can be artificially controlled for reproduction, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, horses, cats, dogs, camels, rabbits, etc., generally used for food, labor, fur, pets, experiments, etc. Features.

livestock , 家畜 , jiā chù 。
pig , 猪 , zhū 。
cattle , 牛 , niú 。
sheep , 羊 , yáng 。
horse , 马 , mǎ 。
donkey , 驴 , lǘ 。
rabbit , 兔 , tù 。

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《牧羊娃和狼》The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf 精读中文书 Chinese Book Intensive Reading|学汉语

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Once upon a time, there was a sheep-herding baby who went to the mountains to herd sheep every day. One day, he felt very boring, so he thought of an idea to make fun of everyone. He shouted to the farmers who were farming at the foot of the mountain: “The wolf is here! The wolf is here! Help!”

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《龟兔赛跑》The Rabbit And The Tortoise 学读中文书 Learn to Read Chinese Book|阅读理解 慢读讲解

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“The Race of the Tortoise and the Hare” is an intriguing fable in which a proud rabbit and a persistent little turtle are portrayed. One day, the hare and the tortoise raced and run. The hare laughed at the tortoise’s slow crawling. The tortoise said, “I will win one day.” The hare said contemptuously, “Then we will start the race now!” The tortoise agreed, and the hare said loudly. Shouted: “The game begins!”

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自学中文的秘诀 Learn Chinese By Yourself – 20分钟提升汉语水平 Improve Mandarin in 20 Minutes

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Part I:训练听说能力 Training listening and speaking skills

1、大量看中文动画片。1. Watch a lot of Chinese cartoons.
2、每天背诵一段短文(选择适合自己水平并有中英文对照字幕的视频,先跟读再背诵)。2. Recite a short passage every day (choose a video with Chinese and English subtitles that suits your level, and read it first before recitation).
3、用在短文中学到的新单词口头造句(如果身边有说中文的朋友,可以和他们练习这些句子)。3. Orally make sentences with the new words learned in the passage (if you have friends who speak Chinese, you can practice these sentences with them).

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学中文【形状】Shapes in Chinese 学写数学中的汉字 – Learn to Write Chinese Characters in Math

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圆形, 三角形, 正方形, 椭圆形, 长方形, 星形。

Yuán xíng, sān jiǎo xíng, zhèng fāng xíng, tuǒ yuán xíng, cháng fāng xíng, xīng xíng。

Round, triangle, square, oval, rectangle, star。


A shape is composed of an object or its outer boundary, contour and surface, and has nothing to do with other characteristics of the object (such as color, texture, material composition, etc.). The shape can also be a closed space formed by a side or a curve or a combination of the above two things.

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