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《龟兔赛跑》The Rabbit And The Tortoise 学读中文书 Learn to Read Chinese Book|阅读理解 慢读讲解

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“The Race of the Tortoise and the Hare” is an intriguing fable in which a proud rabbit and a persistent little turtle are portrayed. One day, the hare and the tortoise raced and run. The hare laughed at the tortoise’s slow crawling. The tortoise said, “I will win one day.” The hare said contemptuously, “Then we will start the race now!” The tortoise agreed, and the hare said loudly. Shouted: “The game begins!”

兔子飞快地跑着,乌龟拼命地爬着。不一会儿,兔子与乌龟已经离的有很大一段距离了。兔子认为比赛太轻松了,它要先睡一会,并且自以为是地说即使自己睡醒了乌龟也不一定能追上它。而乌龟呢,它一刻不停地爬行,爬呀爬呀,到兔子那里的时候,它已经累得不行了,但乌龟想如果这时和兔子一样去休息,那比赛就不会赢了,所以乌龟继续地爬呀爬呀。当兔子醒来的时候乌龟已经到达终点了。此故事告诉大家:不可轻易小视他人。虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后. 要踏踏实实地做事情,不要半途而废,才会取得成功。


The hare was running fast, and the tortoise was crawling desperately. After a while, the rabbit and the tortoise were far away. The rabbit thinks that the game is too easy, it needs to sleep for a while, and self-righteously said that even if he wakes up, the tortoise may not be able to catch up with it. As for the tortoise, it crawls all the time, crawling and crawling. When it gets to the rabbit, it is already exhausted, but the tortoise thinks that if it goes to rest like the rabbit at this time, then the game will not win, so The tortoise kept crawling and crawling. When the rabbit woke up, the tortoise had reached the end. This story tells everyone: Don’t underestimate others. Modesty makes people progress, arrogance makes people fall behind. You must do things down-to-earth and don’t give up halfway to achieve success.

In August 2018, the journal “Science Reports” published a study by an American biologist. It is said that in the tortoise and the hare race, if measured by the amount of exercise in their life, the tortoise, as a very endurance animal, will definitely win. Scientists say that a tortoise travels more kilometers in a lifetime than a rabbit.



Full Story

The rabbit has four legs, jumps and jumps, and runs fast. The tortoise also has four legs, crawling, crawling, crawling really slowly.
One day, the hare met a tortoise and saw the tortoise crawling so slowly, so he wanted to tease him, so he smiled and said, “Turtle, tortoise, let’s race, okay?” The tortoise knew that the hare was joking at him and stared at him. Eyes, ignore or step on. The hare knew that the tortoise would not dare to race with him, so he bounced with his ears and made a folk song to joke him:
Tortoise, tortoise, crawling,
Go out early in the morning to pick flowers;
Tortoise, tortoise, walk around,
Still at the door in the evening.
The tortoise became angry and said, “Rabbit, rabbit, you can be creative, let’s race!”
“What? Turtle, what are you talking about?”
“Let’s race now.”
When the rabbit heard it, he almost burst his stomach with a smile: “Turtle, do you dare to race with me? Well, let’s run from here to see who runs to a big tree at the foot of the mountain first. Get ready! One, two, Three,-“The rabbit ran away, it ran so fast, and it ran a long way in a while. He looked back and saw that the tortoise had only climbed a short distance, and thought: What a big joke that the tortoise dared to race with the rabbit! Me, get a good night’s sleep here, let him climb here, no, let him climb to the front, I hopped and caught up with him.
“La la la, the victory must be mine!” The rabbit lay down on the ground, closed his eyelids, and really fell asleep. Besides, the tortoise is really slow to crawl, but he keeps crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling, and when he climbs to the rabbit, he is already exhausted. The rabbit is still sleeping, and the tortoise wants to rest for a while, but he knows that the rabbit runs faster than him, and he can only win if he insists on climbing. So he kept crawling, crawling, and crawling forward. It’s getting closer and closer to the big tree, only a few dozen steps away, a dozen steps away, a few steps…Finally, it’s here.
Where’s the rabbit? He is still sleeping! After the rabbit woke up, he looked back, alas, why is the tortoise missing? Looking ahead, oops, that’s terrible! The tortoise has climbed under the big tree. The hare looked anxious, but it was too late to catch up in a hurry, the tortoise had already won.
The hare runs fast and the tortoise runs slow. Why did the tortoise win this competition?

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