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《牧羊娃和狼》The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf 精读中文书 Chinese Book Intensive Reading|学汉语

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Once upon a time, there was a sheep-herding baby who went to the mountains to herd sheep every day. One day, he felt very boring, so he thought of an idea to make fun of everyone. He shouted to the farmers who were farming at the foot of the mountain: “The wolf is here! The wolf is here! Help!”

农夫们听到喊声急忙拿着锄头和镰刀往山上跑,他们边跑边喊:“不要怕,孩子,我们来帮你打恶狼!” 农夫们气喘吁吁地赶到山上一看,连狼的影子也没有!放羊娃哈哈大笑:“真有意思,你们上当了!”农夫们生气地走了。

The farmers heard the shouts and hurried up the mountain with their hoe and scythe. They yelled as they ran: “Don’t be afraid, boy, let’s help you fight the wolf!” The farmers rushed to the mountain panting, even the wolf There is no shadow! Sheeping Wahaha laughed: “It’s interesting, you are fooled!” The farmers left angrily.

第二天,放羊娃故伎重演,善良的农夫们又冲上来帮他打狼,可还是没有见到狼的影子。放羊娃笑得直不起腰:“哈哈!你们又上当了!哈哈!” 大伙儿对放羊娃一而再再而三地说谎十分生气,从此再也不相信他的话了。

The next day, the old trick of herding the sheep was repeated, and the kind farmers rushed to help him beat the wolf, but still did not see the shadow of the wolf. Fang Yang baby laughed so hard that he could not stand up: “Haha! You are fooled again! Haha!” Everyone was very angry about lying to Fang Yang baby again and again, and never believed his words anymore.

过了几天,狼真的来了,一下子闯进了羊群。放羊娃害怕极了,拼命地向农夫们喊:“狼来了!狼来了!快救命呀!狼真的来了!” 农夫们听到他的喊声,以为他又在说谎,大家都不理睬他,没有人去帮他,结果放羊娃的许多羊都被狼咬死了。

After a few days, the wolf really came and broke into the flock. The Sheep Baby was terrified, and desperately shouted to the farmers: “The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! Help! The wolf is really here!” The farmers heard his shout and thought he was lying again. Everyone Ignored him and no one helped him. As a result, many of the sheep who were feeding the baby were killed by wolves.

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