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《亡羊补牢》🐑Better Late Than Never 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud

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亡羊补牢,汉语成语,拼音是wáng yáng bǔ láo。本篇选自《战国策·楚策四》。它说明:羊丢了,把羊圈修补起来,剩下的羊就不会再丢。犯了错误,立即改正,就能减少错误。遭到失误,及时采取补救措施,则可以避免继续出现的损失。

Better Late Than Never, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is wáng yáng bǔ láo. This article is selected from “Warring States Policy·Chu Policy IV”. It shows: if the sheep is lost, repair the sheep pen, and the remaining sheep will not be lost again. If you make a mistake and correct it immediately, you can reduce your mistakes. In case of mistakes, timely remedial measures can be taken to avoid continued losses.









The full story of “Mending the Sheep”

Once upon a time, someone raised a flock of sheep. One morning he was about to go out to herd sheep and found one was missing. It turned out that there was a hole in the sheepfold. At night the wolf got in from the hole and took the sheep away.

The neighbor advised him: “Hurry up and repair the sheepfold to plug the hole!”

He said, “The sheep has been lost. What are you doing to repair the sheep pen?” He didn’t accept neighbors’ advice.

The next morning, he was going to go out to herd the sheep. He went to the sheep pen and found that another sheep was missing. It turned out that the wolf came in through the hole again and took the sheep away.

He regretted that he shouldn’t accept the advice of his neighbors, so he quickly plugged the hole and repaired the sheepfold. Since then, his sheep has never been taken away by the wolf.

The story goes: The sheep is taken away by the wolf because of the vacancy in the sheepfold, and it is not too late to repair the sheepfold. Metaphorically, finding a way to remedy the problem can prevent continued losses.

This article is selected from “Warring States Policy·Chu Policy IV”. It shows: if the sheep is lost, repair the sheepfold, and the remaining sheep will not be lost again. If you make a mistake and correct it immediately, you can reduce your mistakes. In case of mistakes, timely remedial measures can be taken to avoid continued losses.

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