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《三只小猪》🐷Three Little Pigs 朗读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|童话故事

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The three little pigs are a famous English fairy tale. With talking animals as the protagonist, due to the three little pigs animation produced by Disney on May 27, 1933, the three little pigs are now one of the fairy tales well-known to children around the world.


[Explanation] Metaphorically handle things as close to the best as possible and should not make do with it.
[Example] Don’t do things like the boss of the “Three Little Pigs”.
[Author] Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916) was born in Sydney, Australia. In 1872, he moved to England and studied at King’s College, Cambridge University. He became interested in anthropology and became an important member of the English Folklore Society. He spent ten years collecting English folk fairy tales and published them in two volumes in 1890 and 1894, which made up for a shortcoming in English literature. In 1900, his family moved to New York, USA. Jacobs first became the revision editor of the “Jewish Encyclopedia” and later became an English professor at the Jewish Seminary. In 1914, he returned to Europe to treat heart disease, and died of the disease two years later at the age of 62.


In a remote mountain village, a mother pig and her three cute little pigs live. My mother worked hard every day, and the piglets grew up day by day, but they still didn’t do anything.
One night, after dinner, Mama Pig called the children to her front and said solemnly: “You have grown up and should live independently. After you build your own house, move out and live.”
None of the three little pigs wants to move out to live, let alone build a house on their own, and can’t help but listen to their mother. So they began to wonder what kind of house. The boss has done it first.
He first carried a lot of straw, chose an open space, built a simple straw house in the middle, and then tied the bundle with straw ropes. “Haha! I have my own house!” The boss was jumping for joy.
The next day the boss moved into his new home, and the second and third curiously came to visit. The second child said: “The third child, look at the house of the eldest brother, it is too simple, I want to build a beautiful and comfortable house!”
The second child ran to the mountain and cut down a lot of wood back, sawn into planks and sticks, and kept beating. Soon, the second child also built his own wooden house. Obviously this is much more beautiful and stronger than the boss’s.
The second child soon moved to his new home, and the eldest and third came to visit. The boss was full of praise, and felt that his house was too crude; the third child said after seeing it: “The house I build will be even better.”
The third child came home and thought about it, and finally decided to build a house made of bricks and stones, because this kind of house is very sturdy, not afraid of wind and rain, but this requires a lot of effort!
The youngest woke up early in the morning and was greedy for the dark, and moved back the stones one by one, piled them on the side, and built a wall one by one. The brothers laughed at the side: “Only a fool would do this!”
The little brother ignored him, still working day and night. The brothers are resting, and he is still working on it. After three months, the new house of the third child was also built! He is so happy!
One day a big wild wolf came. The boss hid in his straw house in a panic. The wild wolf sneered twice and blew the straw house down with a hard breath. The boss had no choice but to run away.
The eldest ran straight to the second brother’s house and shouted as he ran: “Second brother! Open the door! Help!” The second brother opened the door to see, a big wild wolf chased him, and quickly let the eldest brother enter the house and close the door.
The big wild wolf chased after the door and stopped, thinking, “Do you think that a wooden house can stump me?” He slammed into the door one after another. With a sound, the wooden house was knocked down.
The brothers desperately fled to the third house, panting and telling the third what happened. The youngest first closed the doors and windows tightly, and then said confidently: “Don’t be afraid! No problem!”
The big wild wolf was standing in front of the gate. He knew there were three little pigs in the house, but he didn’t know how to get in. He could only reapply the old technique and blow his breath at the door, to no avail.
The wolf was a little anxious, and he rammed hard again. With a “dang” sound, the wild wolf only felt that his eyes were staring at Venus, and then looked at the house without moving. The wolf was really anxious, and turned to find a hammer.
The wolf suffocated his strength, swung a big hammer and knocked it down. Unexpectedly, the hammer broke, and the hammer bounced back and hit the wolf on the head. “It hurts me so much!” the wolf yelled. He is really clueless.
The wild wolf had to invite the three little pigs to go on an outing with a smile on his face. The three little pigs are smart and united. They went to the suburbs in advance to pick many apples. Soon, the wolf came.
The three little pigs quickly climbed to the apple tree as planned. The wolf asked in confusion, “What are you doing in the tree?” The third child replied, “We are eating apples! Do you want one?”
The wolf drooled with greed, and he agreed. The third child picked a big apple and threw it down. The apple rolled down the hillside for a long time. The wild wolf chased after it, but it ran farther and farther. The three little pigs took the opportunity to run home.
The wolf returned angrily. He circled the house and finally climbed onto the roof. He wanted to sneak in through the chimney. After the youngest found out from the window, he immediately lit the fire.
The wild wolf fell into the fire and smoked so badly that its entire tail was scorched. He howled and ran away with his tail clamped in between, never daring to trouble the Three Little Pigs anymore.

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