get up, 起床, qi chuáng,
dress up, 穿衣服, chuān yī fu,
wear pants, 穿裤子, chuān kù zi,
wear socks, 穿袜子, chuān wà zi,
make the bed, 叠被子, dié bèi zi,
brush teeth, 刷牙, shuā yá,
wash face, 洗脸, xǐ liǎn,
wash hands, 洗手, xǐ shǒu,
comb hair, 梳头, shū tóu,
apply lotion, 涂润肤露, tú rùn fū lù,
look in the mirror, 照镜子, zhào jìng zi,
go to the toilet, 上厕所, shàng cè suǒ,
eat rice, 吃饭, chī fàn,
drink water, 喝水, hē shuǐ,
peas, 青豆, qīng dòu,
sweet pepper, 甜椒, tián jiāo,
cucumber, 黄瓜, huáng guā,
tomato, 番茄, fān qié,
carrot, 胡萝卜, hú luó bo,
bread, 面包, miàn bāo,
beef, 牛肉, niú ròu,
pork, 猪肉, zhū ròu,
milk, 牛奶, niú nǎi,
fruit juice, 果汁, guǒ zhī,
cheese, 奶酪, nǎi lào,
ice cream, 冰激淋, bīng jī lín,
peanut butter, 花生酱, huā shēng jiàng,
strawberry jam, 草莓酱, cǎo méi jiàng,
wear a hat, 戴帽子, dài mào zi,
wear gloves, 戴手套, dài shǒu tào,
wear snow pants, 穿雪裤, chuān xuě kù,
open the door, 开门, kāi mén,
close the door, 关门, guān mén,
lock the door, 锁门, suǒ mén,
wear a backpack, 背书包, bēi shū bāo,
turn on the lights, 开灯, kāi dēng,
turn off the lights, 关灯, guān dēng,
watch TV, 看电视, kàn diàn shì,
remote control, 遥控器, yáo kòng qì,
play video games, 打电子游戏, dǎ diàn zǐ yóu xì,
do not cry, 不要哭, bù yào kū,
draw, 画画, huà huà,
read a book, 看书, kàn shū,
write, 写字, xiě zì,
learn Chinese, 学中文, xué zhōng wén,
clean up the room, 整理房间, zhěng lǐ fáng jiān,
story time, 讲故事, jiǎng gù shì,
take a bath, 洗澡, xǐ zǎo,
pillow, 枕头, zhěn tou,
go to bed, 睡觉, shuì jiào

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