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【四点底】Chinese Radical of Bottom Four Points 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters

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不注意的话,很多人会将含有四点底“灬”与含有三点水“氵”的字的含义误认为是均是与“水”有关系的,但并非如此。其实,仔细分析下几个带“灬”的汉字就能发现,都是与“火”有关系的。比如:热 熟 照 焦 煮 蒸 煎 烈 黑 无 杰。

If you don’t pay attention, many people will mistake the meaning of the words containing the four-point base “灬” and the three-point water “氵” to be related to “water”, but this is not the case.
In fact, a careful analysis of the few Chinese characters with “灬” will reveal that they are all related to “火”, such as: Hot cooked photo, scorched, steamed, fried, strong, black.


In fact, “灬” is a Chinese character, and it is a polyphonic character: 1. [huǒ]: “火” in ancient times; 2. [biāo]: raging fire.


1. 漆黑的夜里点着火把,上面只能看到两只眼睛,自然是很“黑”啊。
2. “无”则是一个人趴在一堆木柴上,下面是熊熊的大火,自然也会“无”了。
3. “点”是“点”的繁体字,从“点着”、“点燃”等词当中就能体会出“点”中火的味道来。
4. “杰”是木头放在火上烧,一定会很亮,很杰出了。

Talk about some of the more interesting ones:

1. When a torch is lit in the dark night, only two eyes can be seen on it, so it is naturally very “black”.
2. “Nothing” means that a person is lying on a pile of wood, and there is a raging fire underneath, so naturally there will be “nothing”.
3. “点” is the traditional Chinese character for “点”. From words such as “点着” and “lighting”, you can experience the taste of “dian” in the fire.
4. “Jie” is a piece of wood that is burned on a fire. It will be very bright and outstanding.

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