中文句型分类 Chinese Sentence Patterns 主谓句 vs 非主谓句 (Simple Sentences)

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句型一般指单句句型。Sentence patterns generally refer to single sentence patterns.

句型是根据句子的结构(句法成分的配置格局)对不同的单句进行分类,从而划分出的类型。Sentence pattern is the classification of different single sentences according to the structure of the sentence (the configuration pattern of the syntactic components), and thus the types are divided.


  • 主谓句又分为三小类:动词谓语句,形容词谓语句,名词谓语句。(注意,网络上有些资料把“主谓谓语句”归为“句型”类,为了避免网友疑惑,特此说明,在最新版本的《现代汉语》(黄伯荣)中,主谓谓语句被移除出了“句型”类,划分到了“句式”类)
  • 非主谓句又分为五小类:动词性非主谓句,形容词性非主谓句,名词性非主谓句,叹词句,拟声词句。

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中文陈述句的定义和分类 Definition and Classification of Chinese Declarative Sentences

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Declarative sentence is a narrative, descriptive, explanatory, and argumentative sentence, which is intended for listeners or readers. In terms of information, it should generally include new information. In non-dialogue, the declarative sentence appears the most many. In a dialogue, when a person speaks a paragraph continuously, there can also be declarative sentences. Declarative sentences can be divided into several categories, which we call styles. There are mainly narrative, descriptive, explanatory and argumentative.

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