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中文陈述句的定义和分类 Definition and Classification of Chinese Declarative Sentences

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Declarative sentence is a narrative, descriptive, explanatory, and argumentative sentence, which is intended for listeners or readers. In terms of information, it should generally include new information. In non-dialogue, the declarative sentence appears the most many. In a dialogue, when a person speaks a paragraph continuously, there can also be declarative sentences. Declarative sentences can be divided into several categories, which we call styles. There are mainly narrative, descriptive, explanatory and argumentative.



1第二天 ,他们就坐飞机从北京去上海了。
2他刚 想欠起身去看看讲话的是谁,忽然小李一蹦一跳地过来了。
4天黑以后 ,他才从学校回到家。进门以后 ,他先打开灯,然后放下手里的书包开始做饭。
5她说够了,这时 屋里顿时安静下来。 6卢嘉川的神色突然严肃起来。(上文有时间词语)

叙述体和非叙述体(描写体、说明体、议论体)最重要的区别是所 叙述的动作行为、事件有时间性,在时间中进行、发展。如例2先 是“(他)想欠起身去看看讲话的是谁”,然后是“小李一蹦一跳地过来 了”。例3“女演员”先是“抱着琵琶下车”,然后是“腰肢扭摆,美目流 盼”,最后是“高跟鞋嘎嘎几声,便消失在书场的珠帘里”。例4“他”先 是“从学校回到家”,然后是“进门”,再后是“打开灯”,最后是“放下手里 的书包开始做饭”。



描写体描摹人或物体的外貌形状、性质特征等。描写体中常出现形 容词谓语句、带“得”的情态补语、固定短语、存现句、动态助 词“着”等,也可以用动词短语、主谓短语。例如:




说明体的作用是说明事物的性质、特点、用途。名词谓语句、“是”字句等系词谓语句、用动态助词“过”的句子等等往往是说明 句。例如:





1《现代汉语八百词》指出:“从”能表示过去、现在和将来的时 间起点,“自从”限于表示过去的时间起点。这无疑是非常正确 的。但除此之外,“自从”和“从”还有一些区别。


(1) Narrative

Narratives are sentences that describe the development of actions and events. In the narrative style, there is always a time word that expresses the action and the event, which is different from the description style, explanatory style, and argument style. E.g:

1 The next day, they flew from Beijing to Shanghai.
2 He just wanted to get up to see who was speaking when Xiao Li suddenly came over.
3 The actress got off the car holding the pipa, twisted her waist and looked forward to her beautiful eyes, and disappeared into the bead curtain of the bookstore after a few creaks of her high heels. (Time words above)
After 4 days of darkness, he returned home from school. After entering the door, he turned on the light first, then put down the schoolbag in his hand and started cooking.
5 She said it was enough, and then the room suddenly became quiet. 6 Lu Jiachuan’s expression suddenly became serious. (There are time words above)

The most important difference between narrative and non-narrative (descriptive, explanatory, and argumentative) is that the actions and events described have timeliness, and progress and develop in time. As in Example 2, it is first “(he) wants to get up to see who is speaking”, and then “Xiao Li came here bouncely”. Example 3 “Actress” first “holds the pipa and get off the car”, then “the waist is twisted, beautiful eyes look forward”, and finally “the high-heeled shoes quack and disappear in the bead curtain”. Example 4 “He” first “come home from school”, then “enter the door”, then “turn on the light”, and finally “put down the schoolbag in his hand and start cooking”.

In novels, fairy tales, stories, newsletters and other genres, narrative sentences appear the most. Verb-predicate sentences and fixed phrases appear most in the narrative body, and there are also adjective-predicate sentences. Compared with other styles, the types of grammatical phenomena appearing in the narrative style are the most and the most complex.

(2) Descriptive

Descriptive body describes the appearance, shape, nature and characteristics of people or objects. Descriptive forms often appear in form-verb predicates, modal complements with “得”, fixed phrases, existing sentences, and dynamic auxiliary words “着”. Verb phrases and subject-predicate phrases can also be used. E.g:

1 Tianshan mushrooms are large, plump, and extremely tender.
2 Green radishes, purple eggplants, red peppers, and red and yellow tomatoes are really colorful and dazzling.
3 Set off by thick clouds, the dam seems to be a large warship moored in the sea, making it even more majestic.
4 The street is hazy under the moonlight and snow shadow, and the image is covered with a layer of smoke.
5 There is a small river in front of my house with two rows of weeping willows planted by the river. There is a small bridge over the small river, and on the other side of the bridge is a small village. The village is hidden among the red, peach blossoms and green aspens.
6 She is only in her twenties, her hair is combed, she is wearing a trendy blouse, a short skirt underneath, and the soles of leather shoes on her feet are five inches thick. People in our small village ran out to see her like a diorama.

Descriptive body usually describes static things without timeliness.

(3) Description

The role of the explanatory body is to explain the nature, characteristics, and uses of things. Noun-predicate sentences, “being” sentence and other verbal predicate sentences, sentences with dynamic auxiliary word “guo”, etc. are often explanatory sentences. E.g:

1 A popsicle is a piece of five.
2The new English teacher is Australian.
3He is my sister’s husband, the general manager of Daxing Company.
4I have bought this house (I can move in next month).
5He has lived in Africa for many years, and he knows the customs and customs there. Please invite him to introduce

The explanatory body is to describe a situation, and generally has no timeliness.

(4) Argumentation

Argumentation style is also called argumentation style and argumentation style. Its function is to explain and demonstrate a viewpoint or opinion. E.g:

1 The “Eight Hundred Words of Modern Chinese” pointed out: “Cong” can represent the starting point of time in the past, present and future, and “Since” is limited to the starting point of time in the past. This is undoubtedly very correct. But in addition, there are some differences between “Since” and “From”.
2 This phenomenon illustrates two facts, one is the inconsistency between the text unit and the syntactic unit, and the other is the inconsistency between the text structure and the syntactic structure.

Discourse is generally not temporal.
Different styles not only use different grammatical structures, but also the ways in which sentences and segments are connected. This is particularly obvious between narrative and non-narrative.
In actual language, that is, in a continuous stream, it is often not a simple style. For example, in a novel, sometimes narration, description, and argumentation are interspersed.

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