汉语里“二”和“两”的区别 The difference between “èr” and “liǎng” in Chinese|中文语法课程 Chinese Grammar

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èr hé liǎng de qū bié
The difference between “èr” and “liǎng”

1. shù xué lǐ de shù zì zhǐ néng yòng “èr”.
1. 数学里的数字只能用“二”。
1. Numbers in mathematics can only use “èr”.

zhěng shù : yī , èr , sān…
Integers: one, two, three…

fēn shù : èr fēn zhī yī , sān fēn zhī èr
Fractions: one-half, two-thirds

xiǎo shù : yì diǎn èr , èr diǎn bā
Decimals: 1.2, 2.8

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中文陈述句的定义和分类 Definition and Classification of Chinese Declarative Sentences

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Declarative sentence is a narrative, descriptive, explanatory, and argumentative sentence, which is intended for listeners or readers. In terms of information, it should generally include new information. In non-dialogue, the declarative sentence appears the most many. In a dialogue, when a person speaks a paragraph continuously, there can also be declarative sentences. Declarative sentences can be divided into several categories, which we call styles. There are mainly narrative, descriptive, explanatory and argumentative.

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