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在中文句子中添加时间和地点的规则 Rules for adding time and place in Chinese|汉语学习

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Straightforward rules for adding time and place

In Chinese, the time at which something happened, is happening, or will happen appears at the beginning of the sentence or immediately following the subject.

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中文语序 Chinese Word Order 主语-动词-宾语 subject-verb-object|学汉语 Learn Chinese

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Straightforward subject-verb-object word order

At the most basic level, Chinese sentence structure is surprisingly similar to English. As in English, many basic Chinese sentences use a subject-verb or subject-verb-object structure. For example:

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汉语语法与英语相似吗?Is Chinese grammar similar to English|汉语教学入门

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Chinese and English belong to two completely different language families. English is an Indo-European language, while Chinese is a Sino-Tibetan language. Thus, their differences are quite pronounced.

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中文陈述句的定义和分类 Definition and Classification of Chinese Declarative Sentences

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Declarative sentence is a narrative, descriptive, explanatory, and argumentative sentence, which is intended for listeners or readers. In terms of information, it should generally include new information. In non-dialogue, the declarative sentence appears the most many. In a dialogue, when a person speaks a paragraph continuously, there can also be declarative sentences. Declarative sentences can be divided into several categories, which we call styles. There are mainly narrative, descriptive, explanatory and argumentative.

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