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《水中捞月》🌙Make Vain Efforts 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|华文故事分享

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水中捞月,汉语成语,拼音是shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè,意思是到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。出自《沁园春》。

Fishing for the moon in the water is a Chinese idiom. The pinyin is shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè, which means to fish for the moon in the water. It is a waste of energy to do things that are simply impossible. From “Qinyuanchun”.





Source of idioms

Song Huang Tingjian’s “Qinyuanchun” verse: “The flowers are held in the mirror, the moon is caught in the water, and I can’t help but get close to Iraq.”

Idiom story

A fable originating from Buddhism. According to the Law of the Sangha, the Buddhist monks said that in the past life, there were 500 macaques in the city of Paranai in the kingdom of Gashi. At the same time, the macaque saw a moon (shadow) in the well, so he said to his companion: Yue died today and fell in the well. We should fish it out to avoid a long night in the world. The monkeys did not know how to start. The macaques saw that there was a tree in the well and said: I will catch a branch, and you will catch my tail. So the monkeys turned to catch each other, the weak branches of the tree broke, and the monkeys all fell into the well. The Buddha used this story as a metaphor for those evil teachers who are self-righteous, can’t distinguish between the truth and the truth, and harm themselves and others.

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