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《铁杵磨针》💯Iron Pestle Needle 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|中文直播课

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铁杵磨针,汉语成语,拼音是tiě chǔ mó zhēn ,比喻只要有决心,肯下工夫,多么难的事情也能做成功。出自南宋祝穆的《方舆胜览》。

Tiechu grinding a needle is a Chinese idiom. The pinyin is tiě chǔ mó zhēn. As long as you have determination and work hard, you can succeed in difficult things. From “Fang Yu Sheng Lan” by Zhu Mu in the Southern Song Dynasty.



Idiom story

There was a famous poet named Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty. When he was young, he didn’t like to study. He often played truant and went to the streets to hang out. For this, his mother repeatedly scolded him.
One day, Li Bai didn’t go to school again. He was wandering in the street, and he realized that he was outside the city. The warm sunshine, the cheerful birds, and the flowers and plants swaying in the wind made Li Bai sigh, “If the weather is good, it would be boring to read a house all day?”
Walking and walking, at the door of a broken hut, sitting an old woman with white hair, who was grinding a stick-thick iron pestle. Li Bai walked over and asked strangely: “Old woman, what are you doing?”
“I want to grind this iron pestle into an embroidery needle.” The old woman raised her head, smiled at Li Bai, and then lowered her head to continue grinding.
“Embroidery needle?” Li Bai asked again: “Is it an embroidery needle for sewing clothes?”
“of course!”
“But, the iron pestle is so thick, when can it be ground into fine embroidery needles?”
The old woman asked Li Bai: “Drips of water can wear stones, and a fool can move mountains. Why can’t Tiechu be ground into embroidery needles?”
“But, how old are you?”
“As long as I work harder than others, there is nothing I can’t do.”
What the old woman said made Li Bai very ashamed, so after returning home, she worked very hard every day in her studies. Later, he read a lot of books, studied hard, and finally made some achievements. Since he was in his twenties, in order to increase his knowledge, he has traveled all over the world. He has not only been to many big cities in Chang’an, Luoyang, Jinling, and Jiangdu, but also many famous mountain resorts such as Dongting, Lushan, and Kuaiji. Because of his extensive knowledge and extraordinary talents, he has made outstanding achievements in poetry writing. People in later generations called him “the fairy of poetry” because of his outstanding achievements in poetry.

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