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《掩耳盗铃》🔔Deceive Oneself 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|汉语启蒙教育

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掩耳盗铃,汉语成语,读音为yǎn ěr dào líng,意思是偷铃铛怕别人听见而捂住自己的耳朵。比喻自己欺骗自己,明明掩盖不住的事情偏要想法子掩盖。出自于《吕氏春秋·自知》。

Cover your ears and steal the bell, a Chinese idiom, pronounced yǎn ěr dào líng, meaning to steal a bell and cover your ears for fear of others hearing it. I like to deceive myself, and I have to try to cover up things that I can’t cover up. From “Lu Shi Chunqiu · Self-knowledge”.





Idiom story

“The book does not give a name to avoid the ridicule of the people in the near future. How is this different from the idea of ​​hiding your ears and stealing bells?”
In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Zhao family of the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Fan family. Someone took the opportunity to rush to Fan’s house to steal something, and saw a big clock hanging in the yard. The bell is made of fine bronze, with exquisite shapes and patterns. The thief was very happy, and wanted to carry this exquisite clock back to his home. But the clock was so big and heavy that it couldn’t move. He thought about it, but there was only one way, and that was to break the clock and then move home separately.
The thief found a big hammer and slammed it at the clock desperately, with a loud bang that shocked him. The thief panicked, thinking it was a mess. Isn’t this bell telling people that I’m stealing a bell here? He was anxious, he rushed to the bell, opened his arms to cover the bell, but how could he cover the bell! The sound of the bell still spreads leisurely into the distance.
The more he listened, the more frightened he became, and he involuntarily withdrew his hands, covering his ears hard. “Hey, the bell is getting smaller and I can’t hear it!” The thief was happy, “It’s wonderful! If you cover your ears, you won’t be able to hear the bell!” He immediately found two cloth balls and plugged his ears. Live, I thought, no one can hear the bell anymore. So he let go and slammed the bell, and the bell sounded loudly and spread far away. People heard the bells swarming and caught the thief.

Idiom meaning

The sound of the bell exists objectively, whether you cover your ears or not, it is going to ring. Objects that exist objectively will not change according to people’s subjective will. Some people take an attitude of not acknowledging the objective existence that is unfavorable to themselves or dislike, thinking that it does not exist in this way. This is the same as “covering one’s ears and stealing the clock”, which is an extreme subjective idealism-solipsism. Performance. If you don’t face up to the reality of the objective existence, don’t study it, and adopt an attitude of closing your eyes and listening, you will end up suffering yourself.

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