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【示字旁】Chinese Radical of Sacrifice 一般与神(包括对神的崇拜活动和心理)有关|中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Sacrifice, 示字旁, shì zì páng。
示字旁,指的是“示”作偏旁的变形。“示”是“神”的本字。从“示”的字,一般与神(包括对神的崇拜活动和心理),与天地祖宗鬼神有关,如祸福神祖祭祀祥等等。礻shìㄕˋ◎ 同“示”。用作偏旁。俗称“示字旁”。例外:TV, 电视, diàn shì。电视的“视”是见字旁。

Radical of Sacrifice, it refers to the deformation of “Shi” as a radical. “Shi” is the original word for “God”. The word “show” is generally related to gods (including worship activities and psychology to gods), and the ancestors of heaven and earth, ghosts and gods. 礻shìㄕˋ◎ Same as “show”. Used as a radical. Commonly known as “shizibian”. Exception: TV, television, diàn shì. The “shì” of TV has the radical of jiàn.

Sacrifice, 祭祀, jì sì。
Courtesy, 礼貌, lǐmào。
etiquette, 礼仪, lǐyí。
Immortal, 神仙, shén xiān。
Blessing, 祝福, zhù fú。
Prayer, 祈祷, qí dǎo。
Ancestor, 祖先, zǔ xiān。

注:勿将“示字旁”写作“补”字中“衣字旁 。“示”,《说文》:“天垂象,见吉凶,所以示人也。”(天显现岀某种征象,预示岀吉凶,用来告示人们。)(“示”的上部象天,下面的“小”原是三垂,代表日月星。凡“示”字旁的汉字,往往与天地祖宗鬼神有关,如祸福神祖祭祀祥等等。)

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Such as: God, Qi, Xiang.
Note: Do not write “beside the word” as “beside the word “clothing” in the word “fill”. “Show”, “Shuowen”: “The sky hangs like an image, sees good and bad, so it shows people. “(The sky shows some kind of sign to indicate good and bad things, and is used to inform people.) (The upper part of “Shi” is like the sky, and the “small” underneath is originally three hangings, representing the sun, moon and stars. Anything next to the word “Shi” Chinese characters are often related to the ancestors of heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, such as the god of misfortune and blessing, offering sacrifices to Xiang and so on.)

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