【双人旁】Chinese Radical of Double People 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|与行走、行为和道路有关

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The basic interpretation beside the double: Cong “彳” is mostly related to walking, behavior and road.

拼音 chì ,(象形。小篆字字形象“行”,象纵横相交的十字路。“彳”是汉字部首之一,习惯上称为双人旁。从“彳”的字多与行走、行为和道路有关。本义:慢步行走)同本义。

Pinyin chì, (pictogram. The small seal character image “xing”, like a cross road that intersects horizontally and horizontally. “彳” is one of the radicals of Chinese characters, which is customarily called double side. The characters from “彳” are mostly related to walking, behavior and road Related. The original meaning: walking slowly) has the same original meaning.






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Hey, small steps too. The three genera of elephant shin are also connected. -“Said Wen.” The three genera of thigh, shin and foot.

彳亍stopped. ——Pan Yue “Shooting Pheasant Fu”.

Radicals are the word-building components of a syllable character. The ancients called the left side of the left and right structured characters “Pian”, and the right side of the characters called “Pan”. Nowadays, the parts of the mixed characters are collectively called the radicals.

The vast majority of Chinese characters are pictophonetic characters, which are composed of phonological and phonological characters. Therefore, “radical” mainly includes two types of phonological and phonological characters. For example, the word “language” is composed of two radicals of “yan” and “wu”; the word “pen” is composed of two radicals of “fen” and “dish bottom”; the word “wen” is composed of “door character frame” and ” “Mouth” is composed of two radicals.

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