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学写字【娱乐】💃How to Write “Entertainment” in Chinese – 看电影watch movie/唱歌sing/跳舞dance

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entertainment , 娱乐 , yú lè 。
watch movie , 看电影 , kàn diàn yǐng 。
sing , 唱歌 , chàng gē 。
dance , 跳舞 , tiào wǔ 。
play games , 玩游戏 , wán yóu xì 。
play cards , 打牌 , dǎ pái 。


















Chinese ancient ways of entertainment

1. Hit the ball

Kicking is the ancient polo. It was very popular in the Tang Dynasty. However, this sport belonged to some wealthy people. Because the cost of Kicking was too high, ordinary people couldn’t afford it.

2. Cockfighting

Cockfighting is a traditional folk gambling activity in ancient China. It has a long history in our country. In the Tang Dynasty, there was even the custom of cockfighting in Qingming. This is a very popular activity.

3. Playing cards

There were already playing cards in the Tang Dynasty, and they were very popular with some boudoir girls at that time. With the development of society, solitaires gradually had different types. People like to play horse cranes in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and mahjong in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. But most people play cards just to kill time.

4. Cuju

Cuju is our current football. It has a very long history in our country. During the Tang Dynasty, Cuju was very popular. Not only men, but also many women especially liked Cuju.

5. Cricket fighting

In some costume dramas, there will be scenes of rich children playing idle crickets. In fact, this interesting form of entertainment originated in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Cricket fighting is also called “Qiu Xing” because it is held at the end of autumn every year. In a cricket fight, each side of the game grabs a cricket and puts it together. The crickets can start fighting and biting each other when they are aggressive, so it is fun and lively. At the same time, cricket fighting is simple and convenient. This entertainment method has long been popular in court and folk.

6. Play Go

Go is now popular in the world, and various Go competitions are held every year. This artistic entertainment method was invented by ancient people with unique wisdom. In ancient times, playing Go was the city of every literati and doctor and was the most played entertainment method. The shift between white and black is circuitous, and the strategy and ingenious ideas of the player who play the game are more important. Playing Go is a casual but culturally entertaining way.

7. Toss the pot

In Ouyang Xiu’s “The Tale of the Drunkard”, there is a sentence that describes “Among the shooter, the player wins.” This refers to the ancient pot-throwing game. During the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, one of the rituals for the princes to entertain guests was to shoot arrows, but some guests did not know how to shoot arrows, so they evolved to throw a hip flask with arrows instead of archery. Over time, it has slowly become a favorite entertainment method. At the same time, it is simple to throw pots and the atmosphere is lively. It has become a way of entertainment for many banquets and is very popular among people and has been circulating for a long time.

8. Flying Flower Order

Ya Ling, a game that the ancients often played when drinking at banquets.
This is a poem from Han Hong, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, in “Cold Food”, “Flowers are everywhere in the spring city”. Participants can choose poems and words, or tunes when performing flying flowers. The gameplay in the previously popular “Conference of Chinese Poetry” has been improved. But in general, although the gameplay is not the same, those who fail to answer will be fined.

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