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学写字【昆虫】🐝Write “Insects” in Chinese – 瓢虫Ladybug/蜜蜂Bee/蚂蚁Ant|练习写汉字

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Insects, 昆虫, kūn chóng。
Ladybug, 瓢虫, piáo chóng。
Bee, 蜜蜂, mì fēng。
Ant, 蚂蚁, mǎ yǐ。
Butterfly, 蝴蝶, hú dié。
Dragonfly, 蜻蜓, qīng tíng。
Praying mantis, 螳螂, táng láng。
Spider, 蜘蛛, zhī zhū。
Cricket, 蟋蟀, xī shuài。
Firefly, 萤火虫, yíng huǒ chóng。
Moth, 飞蛾, fēi é。
Mosquito, 蚊子, wén zi。
Fly, 苍蝇, cāng yíng。






昆虫的构造有异于脊椎动物,它们的身体并没有内骨骼的支持,外裹一层由几丁质(英文 Chitin)构成的壳。这层壳会分节以利于运动,犹如骑士的甲胄。




There are many kinds of insects with different shapes. They belong to arthropods among invertebrates. They are the most numerous animal group on earth. They account for more than 50% of all biological species (including bacteria, fungi, viruses), and their traces are almost everywhere. Every corner of the world.

Until the beginning of the 21st century, there were more than 1 million species of insects known to mankind, but there are still many species yet to be discovered. Insects are the most species and number in the animal kingdom, and they have a major impact on agricultural production and human health. The most common ones are locusts, butterflies, bees, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, and cockroaches.

Not only are there many types of insects, but the number of individuals of the same species is also amazing. The distribution of insects is so wide that no other class of animals can compare with it, almost all over the earth. There are different types. Most insects can be used as specimens and are good biological resources that humans can use.

The body of an insect is divided into three parts: head, chest, and abdomen. Adults usually have 2 pairs of wings and 6 legs. Wings and feet are located on the chest. The body is composed of a series of somites, which are further assembled into 3 individual segments (head, chest and abdomen). A pair of tentacles are born on the head, and the bones are wrapped around the outside of the body; there are many changes in the shape of the whole life, all over the world. It is the most diverse species of arthropods.

Insects are the most prosperous animals in the world. More than 1 million species have been discovered, more than all other animal species combined.

The structure of insects is different from that of vertebrates. Their bodies are not supported by endoskeleton and are covered with a shell made of chitin (English Chitin). This shell will be divided into sections to facilitate sports, just like the armor of a knight.

Insects play an important role in the biosphere. Entomophilous flowers need the help of insects to spread pollen. The honey collected by bees is also one of people’s favorite foods. In some parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and South America, insects themselves are food for the locals.

But insects may also pose a threat to humans, such as locusts and termites. Some insects, such as mosquitoes, are also disease carriers.

Some insects can cause harm to humans through venom or bites. For example, wasps inject venom into intruders with stings.

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