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【口字旁】Chinese Radical of Mouth 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 How to Write Chinese Characters|写字要领

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口是嘴巴的意思,所以口字旁的字一般跟嘴巴、嘴巴的动作、嘴巴发出的声音(如啊、哦、嗯、咩、叽等拟声字)有关系。 但是说话等语言类的一般不用口字旁,而是用言字旁,因为言本身就是从嘴巴里面发出声音。

Mouth is the meaning of mouth, so the words next to the spoken word are generally related to the mouth, the movement of the mouth, and the sounds made by the mouth (such as onomatopoeia such as a , ó , èn , miē , jī, etc.). However, speaking and other languages ​​generally do not use verbal words, but verbal words, because words themselves make sounds from the mouth.



(1)叨 [tāo]承受:~光。~扰(谢人款待的话)。~陪。古同“饕”,贪。叨 [dāo]〔~~〕话多(后一个“叨”读轻声)。





以“口”为部首和字族的汉字多与发音说话有关。人和动物吃东西和发声的器官(亦称“嘴”) :口腔。

容器通外面的地方 :瓶子口。 出入通过的地方 :门口。特指中国长城的某些关口(多用作地名) :古北口。破裂的地方 :口子。




总笔画数7的字旁汉字:吝、呖、君、吼、吰、吽、吭、呒、呐、呕、启、呛、吣、吮、听、吞、含、呙、呗、吡、吥、吵、呈、吹、呆、呔、吨、吪、呃 、否、呋、告、吧、吻、呍、呄、吙。

There is a word beside the word “口” in the radical which is related to (口).

Examples are as follows: talk, eat, bite, sigh, noisy, etc.

(1) Talk [tāo] Accept: ~ Light. ~ Disturbance (thank someone for hospitality). ~ Accompany. Gu Tong “gluttonous”, greedy. Talking [dāo]〔~~〕too many words (the last “chat” is read softly).

(2) Eating Pinyin: chī refers to feeding food into the cavity with hands or tools (chopsticks, forks, spoons, etc.), after chewing with teeth, swallowing through the esophageal tube into the stomach, and then the digestive system completes the entire digestion process.

(3) Bite, Chinese character, pronunciation yǎo, cross, interlace, and collide with each other. The original meaning of the characters, the upper and lower front teeth are interlaced and closed. It means that the upper and lower teeth are facing each other, crushing or pinching things.

(4) Sigh and exhale a long breath because of sorrow and grief: ~ Qi. ~ Interest. Sad~. ~ Sorrow. Long and short ~. With a long voice due to happiness, excitement, and excitement: ~ Reward. ~ Service. Like~.

(5) The noise is messy, disturbing, and noisy. Noisy is not loud in decibels, but noise. Example: Stop arguing and listen to Teacher Yang’s speech. Quarrel: quarrel. Example: Don’t quarrel with children.

Chinese characters with “kou” as the radical and character family are mostly related to pronunciation. The organ (also known as “mouth”) that humans and animals eat and make sounds: oral cavity.

The outside of the container: the mouth of the bottle. Place of entry and exit: the doorway. Particularly refers to certain passes of the Great Wall of China (mostly used as place names): Gubeikou. Place of rupture: opening.

Contains words beside the spoken word:

Chinese characters next to the character with a total number of 5 strokes: 叩, 叽, 叽, Hao, Ding, 叼, 叨, 叱, 叩, la, only, sigh, leaf.

Chinese characters next to the character with a total number of 6 strokes: Name, Ma, Lu, Li, Ji, Hou, Xie, Ge, He, Hang, Eat, 吖, Tong, Tu, 吔, 吅, 吀, 吂, 吇, 叿, inch , Suck, to, call, call, call.

Chinese characters next to the character with a total of 7 strokes: mean, 呖, jun, roar, 吰, 吽, 吭, 呒, na, vomit, qi, 吭, 吣, suck, listen, swallow, contain, 呙, 呗, pi, 吥, Noisy, present, blowing, staying, 吪, 吪, uh, no, fur, telling, okay, kiss, 呍, 吪, 吙.

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