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学写汉字【主食】🍜Write “Rice & Alternatives” in Chinese – 米饭Rice/馒头Steamed Bread

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Staple food refers to the main food on the traditional table, and is also the main source of energy required for human life. Since staple food is the main source of intake of carbohydrates (especially starch), rice, wheat, corn and other grains with starch as the main component, as well as tuber foods such as potatoes and sweet potatoes are regarded as staple foods by people in different regions. Generally speaking, the staple food contains more carbohydrates.


For the Chinese, due to the climate and topography: the staple food of northerners used to be various types of pasta (the climate is dry, wheat is more suitable for growth), until today, except for the Northeast, people in most northern regions still prefer pasta. The staple food of Northeast people is rice and corn (there are many rivers, the soil is fertile, cold-resistant rice and corn are suitable for planting). The staple food of southerners is rice (there are many rivers in the south, suitable for planting rice).


Cereals and potatoes are the main source of energy for the Chinese people. We cannot do without rice, steamed buns, flatbreads, noodles or other cereal and potato products in every meal. In rural areas, these cereals account for more than 80% of the energy provided by residents’ three meals a day, while urban residents also account for more than 50%.


Staple food refers to the food that constitutes the main source of energy for local residents. For us Chinese, it is cereal crops. For example, rice, white flour, corn and their products, and potatoes in some places are also part of the staple food.

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