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学写汉字【动物】🐺Write “Animals” in Chinese – Tiger老虎/Lion狮子/Crocodile鳄鱼/Wolf狼/Elephant大象

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Learn to write animals in Chinese

Tiger, 老虎, lǎo hǔ,
Lion, 狮子, shī zi,
Wolf, 狼, láng,
Crocodile, 鳄鱼, è yú,
Elephant, 大象, dà xiàng,
Giraffe, 长颈鹿, cháng jǐng lù,
Hippo, 河马, hé mǎ,
Rhino, 犀牛, xī niú,
Peacock, 孔雀, kǒng què,
Monkey, 猴子, hóu zi,
Zebra, 斑马, bān mǎ,
Dolphin, 海豚, hǎi tún,
Penguin, 企鹅, qǐ é,
Polar bear, 北极熊, běi jí xióng,
Kangaroo, 袋鼠, dài shǔ,
Koala, 考拉, kǎo lā.



分类史上,亚里士多德将动物分为“有血液的”和“无血液的”。 1758年,瑞典生物学家卡尔·林奈在其所著《自然系统》一书中创建了第一个动物分类系统。 1809年,让-巴蒂斯特·拉马克将其扩展到14个门级分类单元。 1874年,恩斯特·海克尔将动物界分为多细胞后生动物(动物的异名)和原生动物,单细胞生物不再被视为动物。在现代,动物的生物学分类依赖分子系统发生学等先进分析技术,能够有效地证明动物分类单元之间的演化关系。


Animals, or metazoans (Metazoan), are a group of multicellular eukaryotes that form a taxonomic hierarchy called Animal Kingdom (scientific name: Animalia) in taxonomy. With a few exceptions, most animals consume organic matter, breathe oxygen, can move and reproduce sexually, and their embryonic development process starts with hollow cell balls (blastocysts). At present, more than 1.5 million living animal species have been published, of which insects are the largest group, with about 1 million species. The total length of the animal ranges from 8.5×10−6 meters to 33.6 meters. They have complex interactions with other organisms and living environment, forming a complicated food web. Although humans are animals, in colloquialism, the term “animal” usually refers to animals other than humans. Scientific research on animals is called zoology.

Most living animal species are bilaterally symmetrical animals, and the body structures of animals in this evolutionary branch are biologically symmetrical. Bilaterally symmetrical animals include protomouth animals and posterior animals. The former includes many types of invertebrates, such as arthropods and mollusks; the latter covers echinoderms and chordates (including vertebrates). Early animal life forms existed in the Ediacaran biota at the end of the Precambrian. In the Cambrian life explosion that began about 542 million years ago, many marine creatures appeared. From the fossil record, these marine creatures later evolved into the phylum where many modern animals are located. The 6331 sets of genes shared by all living animals have been confirmed, and these genes may come from a common ancestor 650 million years ago.

In the history of classification, Aristotle divided animals into “blooded” and “bloodless”. In 1758, the Swedish biologist Karl Linnaeus created the first animal classification system in his book “Systems of Nature”. In 1809, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck extended it to 14 door-level taxa. In 1874, Ernst Haeckel divided the animal kingdom into multicellular metazoa (a synonym for animals) and protozoa, and single-celled organisms are no longer considered animals. In modern times, the biological classification of animals relies on advanced analysis techniques such as molecular phylogeny, which can effectively prove the evolutionary relationship between animal taxa.

In the process of human development, other animals (meat, eggs, and milk) have always been important food sources for humans, and animal skins and fur have been used for heating. Certain animals are domesticated as poultry, livestock or pets. In addition, they are also an important part of human culture (such as mythology and religion).

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