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【绞丝旁】Chinese Radical of Silk 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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纟(糹、糸),sī ㄙˉ。“糸”简化为“纟”。依据古人书法省笔简化 。《说文解字》:“糸,细丝也。象束丝之形。”。束丝之形是纟之范式。本义:细丝,同“糸”。用作偏旁,俗称“绞丝旁”。

纟 (糹, 糸), sī ㄙˉ. “Shi” is simplified to “纟”. Simplified according to the ancient calligraphy, saving pen. “Shuowen Jiezi”: “Shito, thin silk. Like a bundle of silk.”. The form of bundled silk is the paradigm of 纟. Original meaning: filament, same as “shito”. Used as a radical, commonly known as “twisted silk side”.


(1) 同“糸 ”[mì]第四声,1.细丝。2.幺。3.微小。4.量词,丝的二分之一。


【未集中】【糸部】 糸·康熙笔画:6 ·部外笔画:0

以下是部首为 “纟”(绞丝旁) 的汉字:


读音:纟[糹],发音:[sī],通假字,通”丝”[sī]和”糸 “[mì]第四声



Detailed explanation

(1) Same as “糸” [mì] Fourth tone, 1. Filament. 2. Unitary. 3. Tiny. 4. Quantifier, one-half of silk.
[sī] Gu Tong “silk”. Used as a radical, commonly known as “twisted silk side”. Many simplified forms are derived from cursive script. For example, 讠[訁], 饣[飠], 纟[糹,糸], 钅[釒], in cursive script there is a form next to “纟” written today, so the words next to the word “糹” are all It is represented by the simplified “纟”. “Shito” is written in regular script. “纟” is a simplified form of characters, and generally can only be used on the left radical. Chinese characters such as 糸, series, xu, tired, complex, purple, and turbulence are not simplified.

Ancient books explained

Kangxi Dictionary
[Not concentrated] [Itobe] Ito·Kangxi strokes: 6 ·Outer strokes: 0
[Ancient text] “Guangyun” Modiche, Yinmi. “Said the text” filament is also. “Xu Kai said” the spit of one silkworm is spit, and ten spits are silk. Shito, five suddenly.
“Bo Ya” is also micro. “Yu Pian” Yao Ye.
Also “Jiyun” is a new cut. Silk or province for Shito.

The following are Chinese characters with the radical “纟” (beside the wire):

Si correct order of about JI Hong web sewing Zhou Wan knot fine cotton Yu satisfied numerous paper spinning pure New longitudinal outline threads lines nylon weft confused world careless Hiro Renzhen Zhu is organized end of line Shao practicing fine Yi Shen trip crepe constraints Fu cyanosis Dai heavy rope rein system Knotted and wrapped around painted velvet, beautiful twisted velvet, velvet, quilted, embroidered, silk, velvet, velvet, velvet, continuation, comprehensive performance, green silk, cotton rope, embroidered with beautiful stretch, crimson, velvet, velvet, velvet, velvet, woven Satin

Pronunciation: 纟[糹], pronunciation: [sī], through false characters, through “丝”[sī] and “糸”[mì] the fourth tone


Original meaning: silk thread, thin silk. The original meaning of the word “糸” (幺+小) is “line”. “Said the text”: “Shito, thin silk. It is like a bundle of silk. “The ancients are the same as “silk”. Many simplified forms are derived from cursive script. For example, 讠[訁], 饣[飠], 纟[糹], 钅[釒], the character “糸” is a radical character, and the common font in Hong Kong and Taiwan is changed to “幺” with three dots under the left radical.” “糹”, Chinese simplified as “纟” (commonly known as “twisted silk side”). The original meaning of Itobe Chinese characters are all related to silk thread, textile and cloth, such as “silk”, “thread”, “warp”, “tie”, “wen”, “fun”, “twist”, “tie”, “tight” , “Xu”, “tired”, “fan”, “turbulent”, “purple” and so on. In cursive script, there is a form of writing today’s “纟”, so now the characters with “糹” are all expressed in simplified form “纟”. Note: The words, food, 糸, and gold are generally simplified when they are only used as the left side, and 讠, lintel, 纟, and 钅 can generally only be used for the left side (” debate”, “punishment”, “braid”, “silk”, “title “And other words are also simplified, but “xin”, “swear”, “xie”, “飧”, “meal”, “line”, “xu”, “purple”, “gan”, “鎜”, “鏖” , “鑫” and other words are not simplified).

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