学写字【鞋子】👠Write “Shoes” in Chinese – 跑鞋running shoes/皮鞋leather shoes|零基础学中文 Survival Chinese

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Types of Shoes , 鞋子的分类 , xié zi :

running shoes , 跑鞋 , pǎo xié 。
leather shoes , 皮鞋 , pí xié 。
high heels , 高跟鞋 , gāo gēn xié 。
slippers , 拖鞋 , tuō xié 。
sandals , 凉鞋 , liáng xié 。
rain boots , 雨靴 , yǔ xuē 。
snow boots , 雪靴 , xuě xuē 。





鞋 〈方〉∶以皮、布、木、草、塑料丝等为材料制作的穿在脚上、走路时着地的物品,是人类必不可少的生活用品。


鞋子,鞋的通称。 五代 和凝 《采桑子》词:“丛头鞋子红编细,裙窣金丝。”《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“对着那一双四寸有馀的金莲儿,穿着双藕色小鞋子,颜色配合得十分匀衬。”沈从文《边城》二:“白日里无事,就坐在门口小凳子上做鞋子。”

Shoes, an article worn on the feet to prevent injury to the feet, were mostly straw shoes and cloth shoes in the prehistory of human civilization. Nowadays, leather shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, and high heels are more common.


In ancient China, shoes were generally referred to as “shoes”. Before the Warring States period, it was generally only used as a verb. Original meaning: trampling. It gradually evolved into a noun.
Footwear, the foot is also dependent on. -“Said Wen.” (The shoe is what the foot uses to lean on.)

Term: Shoes
Pinyin: xiézi
English: Shoes

Shoes : Items made of leather, cloth, wood, grass, plastic silk, etc., worn on the feet and on the ground when walking, are essential daily necessities for human beings.

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Shoes, a generic term for shoes. Five Dynasties He Ning’s “Cai Mulberry” words: “Cluster-toe shoes are red-knitted, and the skirt is gold silk.” The fifteenth chapter of “The Heroes of Sons and Daughters”: “Against the four-inch golden lotus, wearing a double lotus color Small shoes, the colors match very evenly.” Shen Congwen, “Border Town” 2: “Nothing in the day, just sit on the small stool at the door to make shoes.”

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