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《半途而废》✂️Give Up Halfway 中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|在线中文直播课

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半途而废,汉语成语,拼音为bàn tú ér fèi,意思是半路上就停下来了,比喻做事不能坚持到底,有始无终。出自西汉·戴圣《礼记·中庸》。

To give up halfway, the Chinese idiom, pinyin is bàn tú ér fèi, which means to stop halfway through the road. From the Western Han Dynasty·Daisheng “Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean”.

半途而废,中国古代典故之一,出自西汉·戴圣《礼记·中庸》:“君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗能已矣。” 后转化为成语,本义为路走到一半停了下来,比喻事业没做完就停止,不能善始善终,做事有头无尾。含贬义。









Abandoned halfway, one of the ancient Chinese allusions, from the “Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean” by Dai Sheng in the Western Han Dynasty: “A gentleman follows the way and gives up halfway, and I am dead.” Then it was transformed into an idiom, and the original meaning was halfway through the road and stopped. , It is a metaphor for stopping a career before it is finished, not starting and ending well, doing things without beginning and ending. Contains derogatory meaning.

Idiom story

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a virtuous woman in Henan County. People don’t know her name, only Le Yangzi’s wife.

One day, Le Yangzi found a piece of gold on the road and gave it to his wife when he returned home. The wife said: “I heard that people with ambitions do not drink the water from “Stealing Spring” because its name is disgusting; they do not eat the food that others call for charity and rather starve to death. Not to mention picking up what others have lost. Le Xi. This will tarnish character.” Le Yangzi was very ashamed when he heard his wife’s words, so he threw the piece of gold into the wild, and then went to a distance to seek a teacher to study.

A year later, Le Yangzi returned. His wife knelt and asked him why he went home. Le Yangzi said, “I have been out for a long time and miss home. There is no other reason.” After listening, his wife walked to the loom with a knife and said sternly: “This machine is weaving. The silk is produced from silkworm cocoons and made into looms. It is only one inch long when it is accumulated one by one; and when it is accumulated one inch by one inch, it will only be ten feet or even one horse. If I cut it off today, I will lose all my previous efforts. , The time before was wasted.”

The wife went on to say: “Reading is the same. You accumulate knowledge and you should acquire new knowledge every day, so that your character will become more and more perfect. If you return halfway, what is the difference with cutting silk?”

Le Yangzi was deeply moved by what his wife said, so he went to finish school again, and did not return home for seven consecutive years.

Moral of the story

If we give up every time we do half of the work, then we will definitely fail to do anything in the end. Only by persisting to the end and completing one thing one by one can we move forward step by step and go further and further on the road to victory. Once you have set a goal, you must dare to practice and work hard to accomplish it. It is not right to just dream, and it is also wrong to give up halfway.

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