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【反文旁】Chinese Radical of Fanwen 手拿棍子敲击的象形,与击打有关的字|学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Fanwen, 反文旁, fǎn wén páng。
Tap with a stick, 手拿棍子敲击, shǒu ná gùn zi qiāo jī。
Related to hitting, 与击打有关, yǔ jī dǎ yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Attack, 攻击, gōng jī。
Correct, 改正, gǎi zhèng。
Failure, 失败, shī bài。
Grazing, 放牧, fàng mù。
Harvest, 收割, shōu gē。





笔画0 攴
笔画2 收
笔画3 攻 改 攸 孜 攼
笔画4 败 放 牧 攽
笔画5 政 故 畋 敀 敂 敃 敄
笔画6 敖 敌 致 效 敉
笔画7 教 敢 救 赦 敏 敕 敛 敝
笔画8 散 敬 敦 敞 敜 敩 敨
笔画9 数
笔画10 敲
笔画11 敷
笔画12 整

The anti-text side refers to “攵”, a total of 4 pictures, hieroglyphic characters, in the regular script, the word “攴” (pū) is transformed into the reversed “文” character, which cannot be written as “夂” or “夊” .

The pictogram of the character “攴”, the oracle bone inscription is one of the radicals of the Chinese character in the shape of a stick or a whip. From the Chinese characters next to “攴” and “攵”, most of the original meanings are related to whipping and beating, such as “mu”, “attack”, “belief” and so on. In modern Chinese characters, “攴” is mostly written as “攵”, and only a few Chinese characters retain the wording of “攴”, such as “knock”.

For example: the word “teaching”, from “filial piety”, from “sorrow”, in the former slave society, slaves mainly relied on the whip to administer their education.
Later, people referred to the deformed radical “攴” (pū) as “anti-wenban”.

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