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【父字头】Chinese Radical of Father 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|原似手拿斧头的动作,现指对男性长辈的称呼

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父字头, fù zì tóu, Radical of Father。
原本看上去手拿斧头的动作,现在常指对男性长辈的称呼, It looks like someone holding an axe, but now often referred to the title of a male elder。

例词 Example Words:
爸爸, bà ba, father。
爷爷, yé ye, grandfather, father’s father。
斧头, fǔ tóu, axe。








(1) 对有才德的男子的美称,多附缀于表字后面

(2) 对老年男子的尊称 [old man]


(3) 又如:渔父;田父

(4) 通”甫”。开始

(5) 又如:教父(教戒的开始)

(6) 天。古人以为天地生万物,故称天为”父”


The words and definitions of the prefix “Father”:

1. Dad: The title of father.

2. Ye: Gu Yi has his father: “The twelve books of the army have a ~ name”. Today refers to grandfather: ~~. Grandma~.

3. Father: Father: ~~. ~ Mother. The honorific name for the elderly or the elderly: Big~. Old~.

4. Axe: A tool used to chop things, mostly used to chop wood. Also used as a weapon in ancient times: ~ son. ~ Head. ~ Yue. ~ Ke (a. Axe handle; b. Yu political power, authority).

5. Kettle: a kind of pot in ancient times: ~ The bottom draws a salary. Broken ~ Shenzhou; the name of the measuring instrument during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period in China is also a unit of capacity, with different standards.

The meaning of the Father:

(1) The good name for talented men is often appended to the back of the table.

(2) The honorific title for the elderly man [old man]

Elder Zongjiangdong is pitying and king me, how can I see it?-“Historical Records of Xiang Yu”

(3) Another example: Fisherman; Tianfu

(4) Same as “Fu”. begin

(5) Another example: Godfather (beginning of the precepts)

(6 days. The ancients believed that heaven and earth produce all things, so they called heaven “father”

(7) pronounced fǔ, such as the father’s surname

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