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【厂字头】Chinese Radical of Factory 与室内空间和山崖有关|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Mandarin

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Factory originally meant cliff or house, so the word next to factory is generally related to cliff or house. When the factory is used as a radical, instead of reading chǎng, it should be pronounced hàn. It is the image of a cliff. The horizontal is the top of the cliff, and it is a very steep cliff.


In ancient times, people did not know how to build houses. Under the cliffs, there are recessed caves, which are good places for people to live. The horizontal is the protruding stone above the head, which is equivalent to the roof and the wall of the house. Therefore, the derivative word for factory is often It has something to do with cliffs and houses.


Exemplary words: Hall; Zhan; Calendar; Evil; Severe; Pressure; Tired; She; Excite; Cliff; She; Toilet;…

Radical of Factory, 厂字头, chǎng zì tóu
Mostly related to indoor spaces and cliffs, 大多与室内空间和山崖有关, dà duō yǔ shì nèi kōng jiān hé shān yá yǒu guān,

例词:Factory, 工厂, gōng chǎng。Pressure, 压力, yā lì。讨厌, tǎo yà。The reason, 原因, yuán yīn。

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