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学造句【菜】Dish|Make Sentences in Chinese 如何用中文词汇造句|中文流行语 Chinese Buzzwords

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菜 , cài , vegetable, dish

例句 Example Sentences:
多吃蔬菜,有益健康。 , duō chī shū cài yǒu yì jiàn kāng , Eating more vegetables is beneficial to health.
这家餐馆有什么招牌菜? , zhè jiā cān guǎn yǒu shé me zhāo pái cài? , What are the signature dishes of this restaurant?
她不是我的菜。 , tā bù shì wǒ de cài. , She is not the kind of girls I would love.
他唱歌水平很菜。 , tā chàng gē shuǐ píng hěn cài. , He is not good at singing at all.





The sources of internet terminology in Mainland China are diversified. The more common sources are:

Borrow lines from various movies, dramas, variety shows, sketches, cross talks, etc.;
Originated from current events, internet memes, internet style, etc.;
Vocabulary derived from dialects;
Use homophony, nicknames, abbreviations, etc. to replace some words

Many internet terms have a wide range of applications and the same meaning in the entire network of mainland China, and even some internet terms can be used in Chinese networks in other regions. At the same time, some Internet terms are only used in specific Internet groups. For example, some online communities, forums, etc. may produce some unique Internet terms, and there are some specific Internet terms that are difficult for outsiders to understand among hobbyists.

Some online languages ​​are not limited to the Internet. Some online languages ​​are popularized by the official media and absorbed by the real society. Words such as “great” and “like” have emerged on the Internet, but they have been widely used in traditional media. The report even appeared in the government propaganda. In the long-term evolution of many Internet terms, other meanings and new variants will be developed, and their applicable scope and popularity may change.

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