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《南辕北辙》📍Poles Apart 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home

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南辕北辙,汉语成语,拼音是nán yuán běi zhé,心想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的相抵触。出自《战国策·魏策四》。

The south turns to the north, the Chinese idiom is nán yuán běi zhé in pinyin. I want to go south but the car goes north. Metaphorical action conflicts with purpose. From “Warring States Policy·Wei Ce IV”.




Idiom story

King Wei wanted to attack the State of Zhao, Ji Liang persuaded him: “I met a man driving north in a car on the road and told me:’I’m going to the State of Chu.’ I asked him,’You are going to go. Chu State, why do you want to go north?’ He said,’My horse runs fast.’ I said,’Although your horse runs fast, this is not the way to Chu State!’ He said again: ‘ My entanglement is sufficient.’ I said, “Although you have a lot of entanglement, this is not the way to Chu country!” He added, “The person who drives me is very skilled.” He didn’t know the direction was wrong. The better the conditions on the way, the farther the distance from Chu State will be.

Now that the king always wants to dominate the princes, he wants to gain the trust of the world in everything he does, relying on his own country’s strength and the elite army to attack Handan, wants to expand the territory and raise his prestige, don’t you know that the more you act like this, the distance to unite the world The farther the goal of becoming the king, this is just like the behavior of going north to Chu State!”

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