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《画蛇添足》🐍Paint A Snake With Feet 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home|汉语历史典故

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画蛇添足,汉语成语,拼音是huà shé tiān zú,意思是画蛇时给蛇添上脚。比喻做事多此一举,不但无益,反而有害。出自《战国策·齐策二》。

To draw a snake to add feet is a Chinese idiom, pinyin is huà shé tiān zú, which means to add feet to a snake when drawing a snake. It is not only useless to do something redundantly, but it is harmful. From “Warring States Policy·Qi Ce II”.

有个人画得很快,一转眼最先画好了,他就端起酒壶要喝酒。但是他回 头看看别人,还都没有画好呢。心里想:他们画得真慢。 他洋洋得意地说: “你们画得好慢啊!我再给蛇画几只脚也不算晚呢!”于是,他便左手提着酒壶,右手给蛇画起脚来。
正在他一边给蛇画脚,一边说话的时候,另外一个人已经画好了。那个人 马上把酒壶从他手里夺过去,说:”你见过蛇吗?蛇是没有脚的,你为什么要给它添上脚呢?所以第一个画好蛇的人不是你,而是我了!”

In ancient times, there was a family in the Chu country. After offering sacrifices to the ancestors, they prepared to give a pot of wine for the sacrifice to the people who helped them. There are many people who help with affairs. If everyone drinks this pot of wine, it is not enough. If it is allowed to be drunk by one person, it will be more than enough. How is this pot of wine divided?
Everyone calmed down. At this time, someone suggested: Everyone draws a snake on the ground, and whoever draws it fast, the pot of wine is for him to drink. Everyone thinks this method is good, and they all agree to do so. So, a snake was drawn on the ground.
Someone drew very fast, and in a blink of an eye he painted first, and he picked up the jug to drink. But when he looked back at others, he hadn’t painted it yet. I thought to myself: They paint really slowly. He triumphantly said: “You are so slow to draw! It’s not too late for me to draw a few feet for the snake!” So, he held a hip flask in his left hand and started drawing the snake’s feet with his right hand.
While he was drawing the snake’s feet while talking, another person had already drawn it. The man immediately snatched the flask from his hand and said, “Have you seen a snake? A snake has no feet. Why do you want to add feet to it? So the first person to paint a snake is not you, but Me!”
The man raised his head and drank the wine.
Those who have temples in Chu give them wine to give to their people. The people who don’t want to drink are said: “If a few people are not enough to drink, one person has more than one drink. Please paint the ground as a snake. The first person to drink alcohol.” One person will become a snake, attract wine and drink. To drink, it is the left hand holding the 卮, the right hand drawing the snake and saying: “I can be the foot.” If it is not, a snake becomes a person, and the snake is taken away and said: “The snake is solid and has no feet, and Zi’an can be the foot? ’Then he drank his wine. Those who are snake-footed will eventually die of their wine.

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