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学写字【五官】Write “Facial Features” in Chinese – 眉Eyebrows/眼Eyes/鼻Nose/耳Ears/口Mouth

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面部五官 , miàn bù wǔ guān , Facial Features
眉 , méi , Eyebrows
眉毛 , méi mao , Eyebrows
眼 , yǎn , Eyes
眼睛 , yǎn jīng , Eyes
耳 , ěr , Ears
耳朵 , ěr duo , Ears
鼻 , bí , Nose
鼻子 , bí zi , Nose
口 , kǒu , Mouth
嘴巴 , zuǐ ba , Mouth


The five senses of the human body, from “The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”. There are many explanations. Some people think that the five sense organs refer to the five human organs such as “ears, eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips.” Others think that the five senses refer to “ears, eyes, nose, lips, and tongue”. Eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth”. From a medical point of view, the five sense organs refer to the five sense organs of the human body. In addition to the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose which represent vision, hearing, taste, and smell, there is also a sense organ, which refers to the vestibule of the inner ear. Positioner” is also called “balancer”.





Academic meaning

1. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, it refers to ears, eyes, nose, lips and tongue. The foundation work of the theoretical system of Chinese medicine, “Huang Di Nei Jing” (mainly a collection of medical theories and clinical experience from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period), “Su Wen”, says “The liver governs the eyes… the heart governs the tongue… the spleen governs the mouth… The lung governs the nose… the kidney governs the ears. In the “Lingshu” of the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, it is more clearly stated that “the nose is the official of the lung; the eye is the official of the liver; the lips are the official of the spleen; the tongue is also the official , The official of the heart; the official of the ear, the official of the kidney”. This theory has been passed down to this day. For this reason, whether “officials” should be interpreted as “organs” remains to be determined. In Chinese medicine, there is “the spleen and stomach, the official of the warehouse.” It can be seen that “official” means official. Traditional Chinese medicine compares the internal organs to court officials and discusses the relationship between the internal organs and the six internal organs. The meaning of “organ” should be influenced by Western medicine, combining the meaning of organs together.

2. In terms of the way to perceive external things in the heart, it refers to ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and body. Xun Zi (Xun Kuang), a thinker and educator during the Warring States Period, put forward in “The Theory of Heaven”: “Ears, eyes, nose and mouth shape can each be connected but not capable of each other. The husband is the official of heaven.” Today’s people are called ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and skin, respectively, listening, seeing, smelling, smelling, body (touching, pressing, cold, and hot).

3. In terms of the external organs that people use most in activities (especially high-level activities), they refer to ears, eyes, mouths, and hands (see “Sui Shu·Northern History·Liu Xuan Biography”), which are mainly used for listening, watching and telling And operation. Both hands have their own functions and serve as two sense organs, but not the eyes and ears (for example, the eyes cannot see the same thing).

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