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学写字【表情】😂Write “Facial Expressions” in Chinese – 微笑Smile/哭泣Cry/伤心Sad|中文表情符号 Chinese Emoji

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Facial expressions , 表情 , biǎo qíng 。
Smile , 微笑 , wēi xiào 。
Laugh , 大笑 , dà xiào 。
Cry , 哭泣 , kū qì 。
Sad , 伤心 , shāng xīn 。
Angry , 生气 , shēng qì 。
Fear , 害怕 , hài pà 。

表情是一个汉语词语,拼音是biǎo qíng,意思是表达感情、情意。表现在面部或姿态上的思想感情。

Emoji is a Chinese word, pinyin is biǎo qíng, which means to express feelings and affection. Thoughts and feelings expressed on the face or posture.


Facial expression is the external manifestation mode of the subjective experience of emotion. There are three main ways of human expression: facial expression, voice tone expression and body posture expression.


在网络应用场景下:表情是日常生活的艺术化表达,被喻为语音与文字以外的第三种语言。富有创意,精心为聊天场景制作的表情,不仅可以增加用户在聊天中的乐趣,还能收到意想不到的表达效果。 [2]


|-P  捧腹大笑。
:-#|    这张笑脸上有着浓密的胡须。
:-<  难过时候的苦笑。
:-*  外国谚语:Put your money where your mouth is.
:-#  抱歉,这是秘密,我答应人家不说的,我嘴巴被贴上了封条了。
-(   哼!不看我,受不了的痛苦……
:-%  银行家、股票玩家用的笑。
!-)  哇!是大眼瞪小眼,还是睁一只眼闭一只眼?
:-&  我的舌头打结了,不能告诉你。
#-)  一夜没睡,眼睛都皱成一团了!
:-‘)   感冒了。
#:-) 随时保持头发的乱度,决不轻易梳头。
:-‘|    我感冒了,妈妈不许我出去玩。
:-9  舌头舔着嘴唇地笑
:-( 悲伤或者生气的脸。
%-)  哇,跌破眼镜!或者表示额前有着一小撮刘海。
:-(*)  恶心,想吐。
%-}  呵呵呵……我可没醉……呵呵呵
:-(=)  我的大门牙帅不帅?门牙很大。
:-{  抿着嘴,一副如泣如诉的神情。
^O^  不必转头就可以看的笑脸。或是一只可爱的小猪。
‘:-)    早上没睡好,刮胡子把眉毛剃掉了一边
^-^  不必转头就可以看的笑脸。
(-)   嘻,头发盖住了眼睛,我该去理发了。
^-<@-@    挤眉弄眼。
&:-)    头发是卷曲的。
..~^.^~… 女生高兴得笑翻时甩着辫子。
{:-)  中分的发型,帅不帅?
~-~  快乐的人儿。
(-:    写信人是个左撇子。
=^-^=   脸红什么?
(-_-)    神秘笑容(这个不需转头看)。
(:)-)   哈哈!这是一个小蛙人,戴着潜水镜在偷笑。
(:-*  暗示这个人在生病、反胃。
:-)’   哇!都流口水了
(:-&  暗示这个人正在生气。
(:-( 紧皱眉头,又愁眉苦脸,不晓得又发生了什么事。
:-)8  打着领结的笑脸,是不是很帅。
(:-)  是一张大笑脸,也有人说是一个大光头。
:-*   生气了?怎么着嘴巴?
(:-*  Kiss……
:-/   犹豫不决的笑容。
(:-……   哇!心碎。
(:-D)   真是大嘴巴,多嘴!
(:-|k-  打着领结,戴着礼帽,大概是要参加什么重要的约会。
:-6   刚吃了酸东西的笑容?
:-|K-   讲正经事,言归正传。
:-7   火冒三丈,已经快吃人了,还不快闪开。
(:<)  吹牛大王。 :-8(  像不像“嘭嚓嚓”的笑脸。 (:>>-<   “打劫!把手举起来!”
:-{)  留着胡子的笑脸。
(:I   理论家。
:-{)   很迷人的翘胡子
(:^( 跟谁打架了,鼻子被打歪了?
:-<)  留着八字胡子的笑容
(0–<   面无表情,目光呆滞。
:-=)  留着日本式的胡子
*-(  闭着眼睛的独眼巨人(希腊神话)
:-$   我生病了
o-)   睁着眼睛的独眼巨人(希腊神话)
:-?   抽烟斗
@-)   这个是不是更象独眼龙?
:-q   正在抽烟
*:**  这是个不修边幅的人,头发、胡子都乱七作糟的。
:-e   失望的笑容
*:o)  小丑!
:-l   Hmm……
*<|:-)  圣诞老人。
:-i   这是吸烟族的标志
+-(:-)  写信的可是主教呵!
:-j   暧昧的笑容
+:-)  写信的可是主教呵!
:-P   吐舌头
+:-)   神父正向你微笑呢,还不正经一点?
:-Q  向您吐舌头
+<:-|  不知是神父还是修女。
:-x   嘴巴被封起来了
,-)  嘘!这是我们之间的秘密,千万不要跟别人说。
:-X  打着领结
,-}  嗯!嘴歪眼斜的,是在打什么PASS?
:-[  带着吹毛求疵的嘲讽式的微笑
.-|  写这封信的可是独眼龙喔!
:-   无奈的笑脸
:-]  傻笑
:-{#}  戴着牙齿矫正架
:-‘  嚼着烟草时溅出口水的样子
:-|  面无表情,你可别招惹他喔
:-{~   午餐前看了太多烂文章,真反胃
:-}  涂上口红的漂亮红唇
:=)   嘻,怎么长着两个鼻子啊?
:<|  写信的是个常春藤盟校的学生 :=|  你看像什么?一只狒狒 :>;)哇,好大的鼻子啊!
:~)  喜极而泣,笑出眼泪来了
;-   既抛眉眼,又撇嘴角
<:)<<|   哇!这封信来自火箭里的宇航员
<:|    小傻瓜
<<<<(:_)  是帽子推销员,想不想来顶高帽儿?
<|==|)  四轮的有车阶级
<{:_)}  从瓶子旦伟出的讯息 =:-)  庞克族的笑脸 =:-( 典型的庞克族,说不笑就不笑 =:-#)   留着胡子的庞克族 >-:   哈!他在跟你扮鬼脸
>:-<  哇!眉毛都竖起来了,已经快发狂,要气炸了 >>-( 哇!他真的要杀人了,你千万别在惹他了
~~:-(  极度愤怒,都快要爆炸了
?-(  被谁打了,眼睛都黑了?
@:-)  他有一头卷发
@=  着是原子弹爆炸时的蘑菇云啊?
@>>–>– 请收下这朵漂亮的玫瑰
B-)  小的人带着眼镜哩!
E-:-|   这是火腿族的标志
i-)   独具慧眼的侦探
0-)  一个焊接工
x-<  好惨!真是惨不忍睹
[:-)   这位大哥戴着耳机听音乐
[:|]   机器人
|-( 他在打坐练功
{(:-)   嘻!这位仁兄还戴着假发呢
(^@^)  幸运小猪猪!
}:-)   这位仁兄有着翘起的头发
~^:^~  这个象不象有皱纹的笑?
}(:-( 戴着卷卷的假发
<@-@>  醉了(不需转头)
@%&$%&   骂人的话

Network emoticons

In the network application scenario: Emoticons are artistic expressions of daily life, and are hailed as the third language besides speech and text. Creative and meticulously crafted expressions for the chat scene can not only increase the user’s fun in the chat, but also receive unexpected expression effects. [2]
Network emoticons refer to symbols and pictures used in communication on the Internet to help people express information more accurately. Mainly divided into character expressions and picture expressions (emoji packs). Among them, picture expressions are commonly used: Baidu Hi’s bubble bear expression, QQ expression, Tusky expression, green bean frog expression, bubble expression and so on.

Character emoticons

|-P   belly laugh.
:-#|     This smiling face has a thick beard.
:-<  Wry smile when sad.
:-*  Foreign proverb: Put your money where your mouth is.
:-#  Sorry, this is a secret, I promised not to tell others, my mouth was sealed.
-(    Hmph! Don’t look at me, you can’t stand the pain…
:-%  The smile used by bankers and stock players.
! -) Wow! Is it big eyes and small eyes, or close one eye?
:-&  My tongue is knotted, I can’t tell you.
#-)   I haven’t slept all night, my eyes are wrinkled!
:-‘)   I have a cold.
#:-)  Keep your hair messy at all times and never comb your hair easily.
:-‘|     I have a cold, my mother forbids me to go out to play.
:-9   Tongue and lips licking and laughing
:-( Sad or angry face.
%-)  Wow, I broke my glasses! Or it means that there is a handful of bangs on the forehead.
:-(*)   Nausea and nausea.
%-}  hehehe…I’m not drunk…hehehe
:-(=)  Is my front teeth handsome? The front teeth are very large.
:-{  Puck your lips together, with an expression like weeping.
^O^  The smiling face that you can see without turning your head. Or a cute little pig.
‘:-)     I didn’t sleep well in the morning, I shaved off my eyebrows by shaving
^-^   A smiling face that you can see without turning your head.
(-)   Hey, my hair covers my eyes, I should get a haircut.
^-<@-@     winks and winks.
&:-)    Hair is curly.
..~^.^~… The girl was so happy that she flung her braids while laughing.
{:-)  Has a mid-point haircut, is it handsome?
~-~  Happy people.
(-:     The writer is left-handed.
=^-^=   Why are you blushing?
(-_-)    Mysterious smile (no need to turn your head to look at this).
(:)-)   Haha! This is a little frogman, smiling with his diving goggles.
(:-*   implies that this person is sick and nauseous.
:-)’ Wow! All drooling
(:-&   implies that this person is angry.
(:-( Frowning tightly, frowning again, don’t know what happened again.
🙂 8   The smiley face with a bow tie, is it handsome?
(:-)   is a big smiling face, some people say it is a big bald head.
:-* Angry? What’s your mouth?
(:-*  Kiss……
:-/   Hesitant smile.
(:-…   Wow! Broken heart.
(:-D)   Really big mouth, talk too much!
(:-|k-  With a bow tie and a bowler hat, it is probably an important date.
:-6   Smile after eating sour food?
:-|K-   Speak the serious things, get back to the business.
: -7   The fire is in full swing, it is about to eat people, and it is not fast to get out.
(:<)  Bag King. :-8 (  Does it look like a smiley face like “Bangchacha”. (:>>-<   “Robbery! Raise your hand!”
:-{)   Smiling face with a beard.
(: I   Theoretician.
:-{)   Very charming beard
(:^( Who did you fight with and got your nose crooked?
:-<)  A smile with a mustache
(0–<   expressionless face, dull eyesight.
:-=)  With a Japanese-style beard
*-(  Cyclops with closed eyes (Greek mythology)
:-$   I’m sick
o-)   Cyclops with open eyes (Greek mythology)
😕   smoking a pipe
@-)   Is this more like a cyclops?
:-Q   is smoking
*:**  This is a rough man, his hair and beard are all messed up.
:-E   disappointed smile
*:o)  Joker!
:-L   Hmm……
*<|:-)  Santa Claus.
:-I   This is the symbol of smokers
+-(:-)  It’s the bishop who wrote the letter!
:-J   ambiguous smile
+:-)  It’s the bishop who wrote the letter!
😛   tongue out
+:-)   Father is smiling at you, not serious?
:-Q   stick your tongue out
+<:-|  I don’t know if it is a priest or a nun.
:-X   The mouth is sealed
,-)  hush! This is the secret between us, don’t tell anyone.
:-X  With a bow tie
,-} Ok! With crooked mouth and slanted eyes, what pass are you hitting?
:-[  With a critical, mocking smile
.-|  It’s a Cyclops who wrote this letter!
:-   Helpless smiling face
:-]  smirk
:-{#}  Wearing a brace
:-‘  The way water splashes while chewing tobacco
😐   expressionless, don’t mess with him
:-{~   I read too many bad articles before lunch, so I feel sick
:-}  Beautiful red lips with lipstick
:=)   Hey, why do you have two noses?
:<|  The letter is an Ivy League student :=|  What do you look like? A baboon :>;) Wow, what a big nose!
:~)  Weeping with joy, weeping with laughter
;-   Both eyebrows and mouth corners
<:)<<|   Wow! This letter is from the astronaut in the rocket
<:|    Little fool
<<<<(:_)  Is a hat salesman, do you want to wear a high hat?
<|==|)  Four-wheeled car class
<{:_)}  The message from the bottle Danwei =:-)  Punker’s smiling face =:-( Typical punk people, if you say you don’t laugh, you don’t laugh =:-#)   Punk with a beard >-:   Ha! He is making faces with you
>:-<  Wow! My eyebrows are erected, I’m almost mad, I’m going to explode >>-( Wow! He is really going to kill, don’t mess with him
~~:-(  Extremely angry, almost exploding
?-(  Who was beaten and his eyes were black?
@:-)  He has curly hair
@=   is the mushroom cloud when the atomic bomb exploded?
@>>–>– Please accept this beautiful rose
B-)  Small people wear glasses!
E-:-|   This is the mark of the ham family
i-)     A unique detective
0-)  A welder
x-<  It’s miserable! It’s terrible
[:-)   This big brother is listening to music with headphones
[:|]   Robot
|-( He is meditating and practicing
{(:-)   Hey! This man is still wearing a wig
(^@^)  Lucky piggy!
}:-)   This man has curly hair
~^:^~  Does this elephant look like a wrinkled smile?
}(:-( Wearing a curly wig
<@-@>  Drunk (no need to turn head)
@%&$%&   Swear words

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