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学写汉字【职位描述 zhí wèi miáo shù】How to Write Job Description in Chinese 中文办公用语 Chinese Office Terms

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职位描述又叫职位界定,对经过职位分析得到的关于某一特定职位的职责和工作内容进行的一种书面记录其成果叫工作说明书(job description),日文中工作描述就是给工作画像,是把工作所具有的一些特征用白描的手法写下来。

Job description is also called job definition. It is a written record of the responsibilities and work content of a specific position obtained through job analysis. The result is called job description. In Japanese, job description is a portrait of the job. Write down some characteristics of the work using line drawing.






The result of the job description and job specifications is a standardized job description. It mainly includes eight pieces of specific content information:

Basic job information, job purpose, management authority, working relationships, scope of responsibilities and degree of influence, work performance measurement standards, basic requirements for the position and high performance requirements, salary and income standards and changing conditions and requirements, etc.

These eight aspects are the company’s requirements and specifications for positions (positions), and they are also the basic standards that employees need to strictly abide by and evaluate. At the same time, by sorting out and describing the positioning, we can also lay a rational reference for accurately positioning the relative value of the position in the organization, as well as job evaluation, assessment and recruitment. It also provides clear standards and foundation for the implementation of organizational goals in positions.

Main Content

It mainly includes the job title, job responsibilities, job conditions, and skills required by the job. The personality requirements of the job can also be written in the job description.
From a broad perspective, it includes: job responsibilities and job requirements.
Job Responsibilities: Reflects the work content that needs to be completed and the scope of responsibilities that a position requires.
Job requirements: refers to the minimum qualifications required to complete the job content of the position and the ideal conditions that can be met on this basis. It consists of two parts: behavioral capabilities and quality requirements. Behavioral abilities include knowledge, skills and experience, etc.; quality requirements refer to the personality, interests and preferences, values, outlook on life, etc. of the personnel.
A job description describes the job itself, not the person who performs the job.

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