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【月字旁】Chinese Radical of Moon 与动物肉体有关 Related to Animal Flesh|学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Moon, 月字旁, yuè zì páng。
Related to animal flesh, 与动物肉体有关, yǔ dòng wù ròu tǐ yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Belly, 肚子, dù zi。
Obesity, 肥胖, féi pàng。
Muscle, 肌肉, jī ròu。
Skin, 皮肤, pí fū。
Swelling, 肿胀, zhǒng zhàng。
Legs and feet, 腿脚, tuǐ jiǎo。
Hazy, Fuzzy, 朦胧, méng lóng。





There are many characters with “月” as the radical in Chinese characters, which are generally collectively referred to as “月”, but few of these characters have anything to do with the moon. The reason is that although the radicals of these characters are all “月”, But it is two completely different origins, which should be called “Fuyuebian” and “Yuezibian” respectively.

In ancient Chinese characters, the writing of “肉” and “月” in Xiaozhuan are very similar, so they are both written as “月” when they are used as radicals.

The characters “flesh next to the moon” account for the vast majority of the characters with “moon” as the radical. All of them have something to do with the human body or flesh, and have nothing to do with the moon.

The words “beside the moon” have something to do with the moon, and they are very few in number. From the meaning of a word, it is not difficult to distinguish whether it should be “rouyuebian” or “yuezibian”, and it can almost be seen from the writing style-all the characters of “rouyuebian” have “月” in the word On the left or bottom of the left or bottom; all the words with “月” on the right are “beside the moon”, and the words with “月” on the left and the “月字” on the left have only four characters: “méng lóng tiǎo fěi”.

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