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【王字旁】Chinese Radical of King 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Related to Jade or Royal Family 与玉或皇室有关

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Radical of King, 王字旁, wáng zì páng,
Related to “Jade” or “Royal”, 与“玉”或“皇室”有关, yǔ “yù” huò “huángshì” yǒu guān,
Jewelry, 珠宝, zhū bǎo,
Glass, 玻璃, bō lí,
Emperor, 皇帝, huáng dì,
Ball, 皮球, pí qiú,
Play, 玩耍, wán shuǎ.



珍贵[zhēn guì]

价值高或意义大;贵重。珍贵文物 | 珍贵药材

琳琅[lín láng]


珠联璧合[zhū lián bì hé]


玲珑[líng lóng]


机灵敏捷。玲珑活泼 | 心路玲珑

The character “王” in the radicals mostly represents the meaning of beautiful jade, so there is “Jade” beside the character “王”.

The following is a phrase about the radical “王”:

Precious [zhēn guì]

High value or great meaning; precious. Precious cultural relics | Precious medicinal materials

Lin Lang [lín láng]

Beautiful jade; a metaphor for beautiful things. Dazzling

Perfect combination [zhū lián bì hé]

“Han Shulu Almanac”: “The sun and the moon are like a combination, and the five stars are like a pearl.” It means that the sun and the moon are like a beautiful jade, and the five planets of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are like pearls. . Later, I use the “perfect combination” as a metaphor for the gathering of outstanding talents or beautiful things to complement each other.

Linglong [líng lóng]

(Utensils) Delicate and delicate. Linglong Pagoda

Clever and agile. Exquisite and lively | Exquisite heart

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