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中文成语故事《闻鸡起舞》Learn Chinese with Stories 中文学习教材

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“闻鸡起舞” 是一则来源于历史故事的成语,成语有关典故最早见于《晋书·祖逖传》。



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《滥竽充数》🎷Make Up A Number Without Active Work 中文成语故事 Chinese Story Book|汉语课程

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滥竽充数,汉语成语,拼音是 làn yú chōng shù,比喻没有本领的人冒充有本领,占着位置,或拿次的东西混在好的里面充数。有时也用作自谦的话。

Indiscriminately, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is làn yú chōng shù, which is a metaphor for a person who has no ability to pretend to be capable, occupy a position, or mix inferior things in a good one. Sometimes it is also used as a self-humble word.

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《井底之蛙》🐸Frog In A Well 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|儿童启蒙故事

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The frog at the bottom of the well is derived from a fable in “Zhuangzi · Waipian·Qiu Shui”. The idioms “frog at the bottom of the well” and “seeing the sky at the well” are both derived from this fable. They are used to metaphor and satirize the narrow-eyed and self-righteous people.

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《三只蝴蝶》🌷Three Butterflies 学读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|在线汉语读物

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There are three beautiful butterflies in the garden, one is red, one is yellow, and the other is white. They dance and play together in the garden every day, very happy.

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《小熊运西瓜》🍉Little Bear Carries Watermelons 学读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|亲子互动

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【小熊运西瓜】活动目标: 练习手捧皮球迅速行走,发展幼儿的控制力和灵敏性。 活动准备: 小皮球,数目为人数的一倍。大筐四个。重难点:练习手捧皮球迅速走。

【Little Bear Carries Watermelon】Activity goal: Practice holding a ball and walking quickly to develop children’s control and agility. Activity preparation: Small balls, double the number of people. Four big baskets. Difficulties: Practice holding the ball and walk quickly.

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