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Wage arrears, also known as “wage arrears”, refers to the employer’s behavior of violating legal regulations and paying wages beyond the time agreed between the employer and the employee.




Employers that implement a monthly salary system must pay wages on a monthly basis; employers that implement an hourly wage system, a daily wage system, or a weekly wage system must pay wages by the hour, day, or week in accordance with the agreement.

Enterprises should pay all wages regularly in accordance with national laws and regulations, without default. If your company fails to pay wages on time, you can report or complain to the local labor and social security administrative department, or you can apply for labor arbitration to the labor dispute arbitration department. If your company has an IOU, you can also apply directly to the local court for a payment order.

Wages are labor remuneration for employees working for the unit. They should be paid directly by the unit to the employee and cannot be collected by the contractor. If the contractor fails to pay wages, he can directly ask for wages from the unit, and the unit must pay wages.

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