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Ordering Dishes & Paying the Bill in Chinese 学说汉语【点菜和结帐】|Daily Life Putonghua Conversation

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点菜和结帐(diǎn cài hé jié zhàng) Ordering Dishes & Paying the Bill

(1) 你们吃什么(nǐ men chī shén me)? What would you like to eat?

(2) 有西兰花吗(yǒu xī lán huā ma)? Do you have broccoli?

(3) 这里面是什么(zhè lǐ miàn shì shén me)? What’s inside?

(4) 要这个(yào zhè ge)。 I want this (one).

(5) 要两瓶啤酒(yào liǎng píng pí jiǔ),三碗米饭(sān wǎn mǐ fàn)。 I would like two bottles of beer and three bowls of rice.

(6) 米饭跟菜一起上(mǐ fàn gēn cài yì qǐ shàng)。I would like to have the dishes served along with the rice.

(7) 还要什么(hái yào shén me)? Anything else?

(8) 就要这些(jiù yào zhè xiē)。 That is all I want.

(9) 不要了(bú yào le)。 I don’t want anything else.

(10) 我们不吃肉(wǒ men bù chī ròu)。 We don’t eat meat.

(11) 再来一瓶可乐(zài lái yì píng kě lè)! One more coke, please!

(12) 请等一下儿(qǐng děng yí xià er)。 Wait a minute, please.

(13) 买单(mǎi dān)! The bill, please!

(14) 要发票(yào fā piào)。 I would like a receipt.

(15) 可以打包吗(kě yǐ dǎ bāo ma)?Can you pack the leftover food for me?

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