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Taking a taxi in Chinese 如何用中文打车|Putonghua Tutorials for Foreigners 学说普通话

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dǎ chē
Taking a taxi.

nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ ?
Where are you going?

wǒ yào qù chāo shì .
I’m going to the supermarket.

qǐng kāi yí xià hòu bèi xiāng .
Please open the trunk.

nǐ zhī dào zěn me qù shēn zhèn dà xué ma ?
你知道怎么去深圳大学吗 ?
Do you know how to get to the Shenzhen University?

qǐng kuài yì diǎn .
Please hurry up.

wǒ yǒu jí shì .
I’m in a hurry.

qǐng nǐ bú yào tài kuài , wǒ hài pà .
Please don’t go too fast. I’m scared.

yào duō cháng shí jiān ?
How long will it take?

sì diǎn néng dào ma ?
Can we arrive by 4 o’clock?

nǐ néng tíng yí xià ma ?
Can you stop for a while?

nǐ néng děng wǒ shí fēn zhōng ma ?
Can you wait for me about 10 minutes?

nǐ yǒu shí kuài qián ma ?
Do you have ten Yuan?

qù fēi jī chǎng duō shǎo qián ?
How much does it cost to get to the airport?

dào le , qǐng xià chē ba !
Arrived, please get off!

duì bù qǐ , wǒ méi dài líng qián .
Sorry, I didn’t bring any change.

出租车(英语:taxi)是一种基于即时租赁的公共交通服务汽车,乘客上车后指明目的地,司机直接驾驶前往,按装设的计程表收费。的士的载客量普遍只有4个座位,有些是3或5个座位。搭乘计程车除了扬手招呼外,还可以透过电话、网络、手机应用程式预约。在中国大陆的名称是「出租车」,上海沪语有根据英文「charter」音译的「差头」,在港澳、广东的名称是英文「taxi」粤语音译而成的「的士」,在台湾则称为「计程车」,俗称「小黄」(因台湾计程车为黄色),新马则根据英文「taxi」的闽语音译成「德士」。坐计程车这个行为,在中文广泛称为「打的」,最先源于广州粤语「搭的」(全称「乘搭的士」,粤拼:daap dik),「搭」字的入声韵尾被传入北方时被讹读为「打的」(普通话:da di),源用至今。

Taxi (English: taxi) is a kind of public transportation service car based on real-time leasing. After passengers get on the bus, they indicate their destination, and the driver directly drives to the car, charging according to the installed meter. The passenger capacity of taxis is generally only 4 seats, and some have 3 or 5 seats. In addition to raising your hand to greet you by taxi, you can also make reservations through the phone, the Internet, and mobile apps.

The name in mainland China is “taxi”, the Shanghai dialect has “chatou” based on the transliteration of English “charter”, and the name in Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong is “taxi” translated from English “taxi” in Cantonese. In Taiwan It is called a “taxi”, commonly known as “little yellow” (because Taiwanese taxis are yellow), and Singapore and Malaysia are translated into “taxi” based on the Fujian pronunciation of “taxi” in English. The act of taking a taxi is widely known in Chinese as “打的”. It first originated from the Cantonese Cantonese “take” (full name “take a taxi”, Yuepin: daap dik). When it was introduced to the north, it was mispronounced as “beating” (Mandarin: da di), and it is used today.

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