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如何写中文简体字【语言名称】Write “Language Names” in Simplified Chinese Video Tutorials

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Language Names , 语言名称 , yǔ yán míng chēng 。
English , 英语 , yīng yǔ 。
Chinese , 汉语 , hàn yǔ 。
French , 法语 , fǎ yǔ 。
Spanish , 西班牙语 , xī bān yá yǔ 。
Russian , 俄语 , é yǔ 。
German , 德语 , dé yǔ 。
Japanese , 日语 , rì yǔ 。


目前的海外华人主要生活于东南亚、欧洲、北美地区。东南亚因邻近中国,自晚清起,就成为中国移民的目的地。当地为相对多数民族的新加坡及在当地为相对少数民族的马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚与越南。这些地区的海外华人,又被称为南洋华侨、南侨,主要来自的福建省与广东省 。

晚清至民国时期时期,中国移民主要是前往东南亚和北美地区。 1940年代海外华侨有1,100万人,其中100万分散在欧美各洲,有1,000万分散在南洋群岛,而这1,000万人中,约有六七百万是广东人,假定广东以3,000万人口计算,每五个人中就有一个是华侨[53];惟而今海外华人总数约为五千万人。


Number and distribution of overseas Chinese

At present, overseas Chinese mainly live in Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America. Since Southeast Asia is close to China, it has been a destination for Chinese immigrants since the late Qing Dynasty. Singapore is a relatively majority ethnic group, and Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam are relatively ethnic minorities. The overseas Chinese in these areas are also called Nanyang Overseas Chinese and Nanqiao, and they mainly come from Fujian and Guangdong provinces.

From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, Chinese immigrants mainly went to Southeast Asia and North America. In the 1940s, there were 11 million overseas Chinese overseas, of which 1 million were scattered on European and American continents, and 10 million were scattered in the Nanyang Islands. Among these 10 million, about 6 or 7 million were Cantonese. Assuming that Guangdong has a population of 30 million , One out of every five people is an overseas Chinese[53]; however, the total number of overseas Chinese is about 50 million.

In the early days of the People’s Republic of China, the population could still move freely. After that, population movement stagnated. With the reform and opening up, since the 1980s, opportunities for ordinary people to immigrate have increased. With the increase in Chinese income and education, the number of skilled immigrants has also begun to increase. In addition to Europe and North America, Australia and New Zealand, where the Chinese population is sparsely populated, have also become popular immigration destinations today, with relatively close culture and economic development. There are also some immigrants in Southeast Asia. And the number of trips to far away Africa and South America (such as Brazil) is also increasing.

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