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《小猴子下山》🐒Little Monkey Goes Down The Mountain|中文儿童教材 Chinese Textbooks

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One day, a little monkey came down the mountain. It walked into a cornfield, and was very happy to see that the corn had grown bigger and bigger, so he broke one and carried it forward.







1、 学会本课6个生字。
2、 学习本课要求掌握的词语,了解它们的意思和用法。
3、 正确流利地朗读课文,理解课文内容。


1、 通过情境导入激发学生学习兴趣,集中他们的注意力。
2、 利用课件欣赏和反复朗读课文来扎实故事情景和课文内容。





识记生字音准,正确书写。 能用汉语普通话正确、流利地朗读课文。





The little monkey carried corn and walked under a peach tree. It was very happy to see the big and red peaches full of trees, so he threw the corn to pick the peaches.

The little monkey held a few peaches and walked to a melon field. It was very happy to see the big and round watermelons all over the floor, so it threw the peaches to pick the watermelon.

The little monkey walked back holding a big watermelon. As I walked, I saw a bunny jumping around. It was so cute. It was very happy, so he threw the watermelon to chase the little rabbit.

The little rabbit ran into the woods and was gone. The little monkey had to go home empty-handed.

learning target:

(1) Knowledge and skills

1. Learn the 6 new words in this lesson.
2. Learn the words and phrases required to be mastered in this lesson, and understand their meaning and usage.
3. Read the text aloud correctly and fluently and understand the content of the text.

(2) Process and method

1. Stimulate students’ interest in learning through contextual introduction and focus their attention.
2. Use courseware appreciation and repeated reading of the text to consolidate the story and the content of the text.

(3) Emotional attitudes and values

Guide students to know how to do anything, insist on doing anything, don’t half-hearted, give up halfway, otherwise the result can only be empty-handed.

Key points and difficulties:

(1) Key points:

Recognize the pronunciation of new words and write them correctly. Able to read texts correctly and fluently in Mandarin Chinese.

(2) Difficulties:

Through studying this lesson, students should know how to do anything, with a clear purpose, and a reason for the beginning and the end.

Study the content of the text

1. Read the text, let the students listen and think, and talk and find: How many natural paragraphs are there in the text? Which picture is related to each paragraph?
2. Students read the text together with the help of Pinyin, thinking while reading: What did the little monkey go down the mountain? Where did it go down the mountain? What did it see? Any thoughts? How did it do it?
3. Learn the first natural paragraph.
4. Teachers and students learn 2-4 natural stages together in sequence, using the same method.

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