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【米字旁】Chinese Radical of Rice 与粮食有关的汉字 Related to Grain|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Chinese

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Radical of Rice, 米字旁, mǐ zì páng。
Related to grain, 与粮食有关, yǔ liáng shí yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Grain, 粮食, liáng shí。
Stick to, 粘住, zhān zhù。
Flour, 面粉, miàn fěn。
Rice cake, 年糕, nián gāo。
Traditional Chinese rice-pudding, 粽子, zòng zi。
Rough, 粗糙, cū cāo。


部首为“米”的汉字(共 642 字)

米 mǐ


米尺 米醋 米饭 米粉 米粉肉 米泔水 米黄 米黄色 米酒 米老鼠 米粒 米粮川

The Chinese characters beside the rice character such as: grain, porridge, flour, coarse, grain, cake, paste, brown, sugar, bran, seed, etc. are commonly used characters, and the characters beside the rice character are generally related to rice grain.

Chinese characters with the radical “米” (642 characters in total)
Rice: indica indica indica indica seed indica indica indica class indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica indica
Zang rice grains, coarse rice cakes, sticky rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes…

“Name” pictogram, oracle bone inscription. Like the trivial shape of rice grains. “米” is a radical of Chinese characters, and the word “米” is related to rice and grain. The original meaning: the seeds of cereals and other plants after their shells have been removed.
“Rice, millet is also. It looks like the shape of Heshi.” “Said Wen.” Press, four notes are like rice, ten others are divided into nine valleys.

Frequently used phrases

Michi   rice vinegar   rice   rice noodles   rice noodles meat   rice swill   beige   beige   rice wine   Mickey Mouse   rice grain   rice grain river

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