【立刀旁】Chinese Radical of Knife 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Chinese Radical of Knife looks like a knife, and it is generally related to a knife or a cut. Chinese character example:Liu, Lee, Sword, Jing, Gang, Judgment, Scratch, Puncture, Carve, Creation, Making, Arriving, Forward.

立刀,读音为lì dāo,是汉语词语,意思是汉字楷书偏旁“刂”的称呼。立刀旁又称为直刀旁、利刀旁。



立刀, pronounced lì dāo, is a Chinese word that means “刂” in the regular script of the Chinese character. The side of the standing knife is also called the side of the straight knife and the side of the sharp knife.


The writing next to the standing knife is vertical and vertical hooks, and the writing method is to write the pen diagonally and write the left short and vertical, then fold the pen to the upper right, and then write the right vertical hook. Next to the standing knife or straight knife, the right side is not a vertical, but a vertical hook. Such as the word “to”.

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