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《刻舟求剑》🚢 Engraving The Boat for The Sword 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Idiom Story Book Reading

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Engraving the boat for the sword means to engrave a mark on the boat gang where the sword fell into the water. After the boat stops, go into the water from the place where the mark is engraved. Metaphor does not look at things progressively as things change, but still looks at things with the old and unchanging eyes. From “Lu Shichunqiu·Chajin”.











  刻舟求剑就是从这个故事来的。 舟是船 , 求是寻找 。有的人办事不管时间地点的变化,始终不肯改变原来的主意,我们就可以说他是刻舟求剑。

  The idiom story of carving a boat seeking a sword:

   There was a Chu countryman who went on a long journey. When he was crossing the river by boat, he accidentally dropped the sword he was carrying with him into the rapids of the river. Everyone on the boat shouted: “The sword fell into the water!”

   The Chu countryman immediately carved a mark on the side of the ship with a knife, and then turned around and said to everyone, “This is where my sword fell.”

   Everyone looked at the imprint of the knife in a puzzled manner. Someone urged him: “Go into the water and find the sword!”

  Chu people said: “What are you worried about, I have a mark.”

   The boat continued to move forward, and someone urged him to say: “If you don’t go down to find the sword, the boat will go farther and farther. Be careful not to get it back.”

   Chu people still confidently said: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, the mark is engraved there.”

   After the boat stopped on the shore, the Chu countryman went into the water to find the sword along the marked place. But how could he find it. The mark engraved on the boat indicates the position of the Chu man’s sword in the river at the moment it fell into the water. The sword that fell into the river would not walk with the ship, but the ship and the marks on the ship’s gun kept advancing. When the boat reaches the shore, the marks on the ship’s gunwale and the position of the sword in the water are no longer relevant. Isn’t this Chu countryman too confused to find his sword using the above methods?

   He spent a lot of time in the water under the boat on the shore, but he didn’t get any results, and he also drew ridicule from everyone.

   This fable idiom story tells us that looking at things that are constantly evolving and changing with a static eye is bound to make the mistake of subjective idealism that is divorced from reality.

   Ke Zhou Qiu Jian comes from this story. A boat is a boat, seek truth and seek. Some people do things regardless of changes in time and place, and still refuse to change their original ideas. We can say that he is asking for a sword.

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